TAG SP 656: Pravda: Peluang Terakhir Sharon By Dmitry Litvinovich 13/4/2002 10:05 pm Sat |
Peluang Terakhir Sharon (Ariel Sharon Last Chance) Sebaik sahaja Israel mengumumkan bahawa wilayah Selatan
Lubnan mahu dibomnya, seluruh duniapun faham betapa Perang
Arab-Israel yang Keenam sudahpun bermula. Namun, berbeza
dengan peperangan rantau itu sebelumnya, ketika Israel
begitu yakin dengan kemenangan setiap pertempuran itu,
peperangan kali ini akan berakhir dengan kekalahan di pihak
Ariel Sharon. Ada pihak yang berkata Ariel Sharon memerlukan masa yang
singkat untuk mencetuskan peperangan itu, tetapi ia
memerlukan masa yang panjang untuk menamatkannya. Ariel
Sharon terlalu yakin untuk melumpuhkan semangat bangsa
Palestin dengan melancarkan Operasi Perisai Pertahanan,
tetapi kesannya itu melantun kepadanya pula. Helah
menggunakan kekerasan adalah satu rencana perang yang tidak
berkesan, tetapi Ariel Sharon tidak faham perkara ini.
Lagipun, Israel telah menaikkan kemarahan masyarakat
antarabangsa apabila ia memperlekehkan resolusi majlis
keselamatan PBB. Majlis Keselamatan PBB mengarahkan diadakan
gencatan senjata dan askar Israel berundur keluar daripada
bumi Palestin. Peraturan itu adalah hasil satu Persidangan
luarbiasa Majlis Keselamatan hasil desakan negara-negara
Arab pada Ahad dulu. Kenyataan PBB itu menyebut bahawa
'operasi ketenteraan Israel yang berkesinambungan adalah
merupakan pencabulan undang-undang perikemanusiaan
antarabangsa.' Peserta sesi khas itu menyatakan kerisauan terhadap keadaan
yang semakin genting, jumlah mangsa awam yang terkorban, dan
risiko kemusnahan pentadbiran Palestin.
Satu sesi Majlis keselamatan PBB dengan penyertaan wakil
Israel dan pemerhati khas Palestin, dijadualkan pada hari
Isnin. Perdebatan mengenai krisis Timur Tengah dijadualkan
pada sebelah petang. Para analis berpendapat kemungkinan
dikuat-kuasakan sekatan ekonomi terhadap Israel dan
seandainya ini gagal, satu campurtangan ketenteraan mungkin
menyusul. Pada akhir minggu, Collin Powell dijangka tiba di
Timur Tengah untuk mengkaji keadaan di sana. Lawatannya itu
tidak mungkin dapat merobah imbangan ketenteraan. Collin
Powell memang faham perkara ini semasak-masaknya. Dalam satu
temubual di NBC dia ada berkata: 'Saya tidak yakin akan
berjaya merundingkan satu perdamaian antara dua pihak.'
Malahan, dia memang tidak diharapkan mencapai kejayaan.
Tujuan utama lawatan itu ialah menentukan kedudukan AS dalam
hubungannya dengan Israel. Washington sedang menanggung
beban kerana menyokong Israel pada mulanya. Sudah pasti
Presiden Bush tidak mahu kesilapan yang serupa berulang
semula. Dmitry Litvinovich Terjemahan: SPAR Asal: http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/04/08/27430.html
2002-04-08 As soon as Israel announced that Southern Lebanon
territories would be probably bombed, the world understood
that the sixth Arab-Israeli war started. However, unlike
the previous regional wars, when Israel was a sure winner
every time, this war will be the defeat of Ariel Sharon.
They say that it takes just little time for Ariel Sharon to
start and quite a long period to finish. Ariel Sharon hoped
to break the will of the Palestinians by launching
operation "Defensive Shield," but it turned out to be the
other way round. The use of force is an ineffective
argument, but Ariel Sharon can't seem to understand this.
What is more, Israel provoked the opposition of the
international community when it refused to implement UN
Security Council resolutions. The genocide of the
Palestinian people is often spoken about now, and Israel?s
policy is called ?state terrorism." The victim has turned
into the hangman. The UN Security Council once again
demanded a cease fire and that Israeli troops immediately
withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories. Israeli.
The requirements are outlined in a statement passed at a UN
Security Council?s extraordinary session called on a
request of the Arab countries on Sunday. The statement says
thatthe continued military operation of Israel is ?a gross
violation of international humanitarian laws.?
Participants of the session also expressed their anxiety of
the aggravation of the situation, the increasing number of
civilian victims, and risk of the liquidation of the PA
administration. Sessions of the UN Security Council with the participation
of Israel?s standing envoy and the PA observer in the
United Nations are scheduled for Monday. The debate on the
Middle East crisis is to take place in the second part of
the day. Analysts think that an economic blockade will be
probably imposed on Israel; however, if this proves
ineffective, military intrusion may follow. At the end of
the week, US Secretary of State Colin Powell is to arrive
to the Middle East to study the situation right on the
spot. The visit is unlikely to change the alignment of
forces. Colin Powell understands this perfectly well
himself. In an interview with NBC, he said, ?I am not sure
I will succeed in making both sides of the
Palestine-Israeli conflict sign a cease-fire agreement.? In
fact, he is not expected to succeed. The main goal of the
visit is to determine the US?s position concerning Israel.
Washington had to pay a price when it originally provided
support to Israel. President Bush would not like to make
the same mistake twice. Dmitry Litvinovich PRAVDA.Ru Translated by Maria Gousseva |