MGG: Malaysia-Singapore: Politicking fuels an uneasy relationship By M.G.G. Pillai 12/4/2002 12:27 pm Fri |
Bilateral ties between Malaysia and Singapore is conditional on
the premise that neither can live with each other nor can she
afford not to. Linked with a three-quarter-mile causeway and a
second bridge link, the seeming hostility and parodoxical
friendship is strengthened, or strained, by the fact of the
majority race in one is the minority in the other. Both
governments are quick to harp on the treatment of the minority in
the other in any bilateral spat. Complicating it is the
contradictory worldview of each. One views it in cultural and
traditional terms, the other in a no-nonsense commercial and
factual terms. Add to this the unmentioned xenophobia of both
the Malay and the Chinese, and you have a volatile mix of causes
to resolve which a steady diet of politicking eggs on.
It does not end there. The internal mechanics of each
requires the taming of its minority race in ways that redound on
the majority in the other. In other words, internal political
arrangements automatically become a matter of political
uncertainty in the other. What has kept this from not going to
the boil is the unwritten belief in each that no matter how badly
or tough the current state of relationship, the leaders at the
last minute defuse it. It works every time. Almost.
The politicking increases by the year. The two countries
have known no governments except that of their dominant political
parties -- UMNO as leader of the Barisan Nasional (BN) in
Malaysia, and the People's Action Party in Singapore. The
UMNO-led coalition, first as the Alliance and later as the
Barisan Nasional, has been in office since 1955, two years before
Malaya got its independence. The PAP has dominated the Singapore
political scene since 1959, negotiated for a merger with the
larger Malaysia in 1963. But the two xenophobically-inclined
races could not live side by side, each presuming the other's
subservience, and partied company in 1965.
The separation was, in a sense, a failure for both. Neither
could, like the Hindus of India and the Muslims of Pakistan,
steal a march over the other, for what happened reflected the
failure of each's policy towards the other and in their ability
to work and live together. The four-decades since brought a
relationship in which one gains the advantage only to lose it.
This alone is enough to call for constant politicking. They are
linked not only by a common heritage of British colonial rule but
a commonality of worldviews, which because of the inherent
xenophobia, is one that blows hot and cold according to the
situation. There are common issues too: Singapore still depends on
Malaysia to provide its water. It is a perennial issue for bad
blood between the two, especially when Malaysian political groups
raise the question of what Singapore pays for its raw water and
the seemingly high profit it makes out of it. But it has no more
an impact than a little local political difficulty in which the
tempers arise in both. One reason why this politicking has not gone further than
one could anticipate, given the apparent hostility that surfaces
on these occasions, is the closeness and personal friendships of
leaders in both countries. All were educated in the United
Kingdom or Singapore. Malaysia's second prime minister, Tun
Abdul Razak, and Singapore's senior Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew,
were classmates at Singapore's Raffles College, at the outbreak
of the Second World War. And this was true down the line.
So, why is bilateral politicking now taking an apparent turn
for the worse? The new generation of leaders in both countries
did not have that interraction the founding fathers had; they
were also educated with a presumed belief in the other's
shortcomings, one in which the xenophobia was unconsciously, even
subconsciously, implanted in their minds. This brought to the
ruling elite another subconscious element: the implied
presumption that the leaders could point to the minority within
their borders to keep the majority in line. The fear of the
Malay, implied or otherwise, is as potent a political force in
Singapore as the fear of the Chinese is in Malaysia.
What complicates, in the immediate term, is the passing of
the baton to the new generation of leaders. There is an ordered
succession in both, at least on paper, but one held together by
the dominance of the respective leader in each: Dr Mahathir
Mohamed in Malaysia and Mr Lee in Singapore. The intense
politicking one sees in the one is replicated in the other, for
within the second generation the succession is far from clear.
And both slip. The tudung affair in Singapore causes as many
problems for the Singapore authorities as the Anwar Ibrahim
episode in Malaysia. It has split the dominant communities in
each, and looks upon politicking as the only means to keep its
respective supporters in check.
M.G.G. Pillai |