TAG SP 653: Pravda: AS tidak perlukan bantuan pihak lain di T/Tengah By Dmitry Litvinovich 12/4/2002 12:09 pm Fri |
Pravda AS tidak perlukan bantuan pihak lain di Timur Tengah
(The USA does not need any other Mid-East Conciliators)
Washington menerima hak monopoli untuk merundingkan
perdamaian dalam perbalahan di Timur Tengah. Perkara ini
menjadi lebih jelas setelah Israel menegah Menteri Luar
Sepanyol Joseph Pique dan ketua dasar luar EU Javier Solano
mengadakan pertemuan dengan Yasser Arafat. Perkara yang
sama telah dialami oleh duta khas Jepun di Timur Tengah.
Israel tidak mengizinkan Andrey Vdovin, duta khas Russia di
Timur Tengah berjumpa dengan Arafat beberapa hari sebelum
itu. Larangan itu memberi alasan bahawa Ramallah sudah
ditakrifkan sebagai medan perang dan Israel tidak dapat
menjamin keselamatan diplomat asing sehingga berakhirnya
operasi khas itu. Semua itu adalah pembohongan besar, dan
Israel tidakpun mengusahakan sesuatu yang semua itu ada
kebenarannya. Arafat dibenarkan peluang menemui seorang tetamu sahaja.
Beliau ialah utusan khas Amerika untuk Timur Tengah,
Anthony Zinni. Israel membenarkan Zinni berbincang dengan
Arafat di Ramallah pada 2:30 waktu Moscow. Utusan Amerika
itu telah menyampaikan syarat agar Palestin menyerahkan
beberapa orang yang disyaki terlibat dengan aktiviti
keganasan. Dengan lain perkataan, Arafat ditawarkan peluang
menyerahkan sejumlah pemimpin pertubuhan Palestin, yang ada
bersamanya. Zinni percaya, kalau Arafat penuhi syarat itu,
bermakna dia sudah bersedia untuk berunding. Dan Israel
akan menghentikan Operasi Perisai Pertahanan (Operation
Defensive Shield). Tidak lama lagi tentu kita dapat tahu
apakah mereka berjaya mendesak Arafat melaksanakan syarat
itu. Pada hari ini ada satu pengumuman betapa lima Kumpulan
Palestin sudah bersepakat untuk berganding bahu menentang
serangan Israel. Seandainya Arafat menerima syarat yang
dikenakan atasnya ia, tidak akan menyelesaikan sebarang
masalah. Lima kumpulan itu mengandungi Kumpulan Jihad
Jerusalem (sebahagian pergerakan Fatah pimpinan Arafat),
Izz Eddin al Kassam (daripada pergerakan Hamas), Briged
Jerusalem (daripada Jihad Islamiah Palestin), Briged Abu
Ali Mustafa (PLF), dan Batalion Resistan Kebangsaan.
Dmitry Litvinovich Terjemahan: SPAR Asal: http://english.pravda.ru/world/2002/04/05/27394.html
2002-04-05 Washington received a monopoly right from Israel for
mediation in the settlement of the Mideast conflict. This
became clear after Israelis refused to let the Spanish
Foreign Minister Josep Pique and European Union's foreign
policy chief Javier Solana to have a meeting with Yasser
Arafat. The same thing happened to Japan's special envoy in
the Middle East. Israelis did not allow Andrey Vdovin, the
Russian special envoy in the Middle East, to see Arafat a
few days earlier either. The refusals were explained with
the reason that the city of Ramallah was considered to be a
restricted military zone, and Israel could not guarantee
safety to foreign diplomats until the special operation was
over. These are rough lies, and Israel did not even try at
least to make it look like truth. The only person, who was allowed to see Yasser Arafat was
the USA's envoy in the Middle East Anthony Zinni. Israel
allowed him to see Arafat, the meeting started in Ramallah
at about 2:30 Moscow time. The American official set forth
the requirement to deliver several Palestinians, who were
suspected of their connection with terrorist activities. In
other words, Arafat was offered to deliver a certain number
of leaders of the Palestinian organizations, who were in
his residence. Zinni believes that if Arafat does that,
then he will show that he was ready for negotiations, and
Israel will stop its "Operation Defensive Shield." We will
soon find out, if they manage to talk Arafat into that or
not. It has been announced today that five Palestinian groups
set up joint efficient command to show resistance to the
Israeli aggression. So, even if Arafat accepts the American
conditions, it will not settle anything. These five groups
are: Martyrs of Jerusalem (a part of Arafat's Fatah
movement), Izz Eddin al-Kasam Martyrs Brigades (a military
organization of Hamas), Jerusalem Brigade (of the Islamic
Jihad of Palestine), Abu Ali Mustafa's Brigades (Palestine
Liberation Front), and the National Resistance Battalions.
Dmitry Litvinovich PRAVDA.Ru Translated by Dmitry Sudakov |