TAG SP 652: Pravda: EU Usahakan Perdamaian Ikut Cara Sendiri By Oleg Artyukov 12/4/2002 12:08 pm Fri |
Pravda European Union Mengusahakan Perdamaian Mengikut Cara Tersendiri
(The European Union is fighting for peace the way it can)
Keadaan Timur Tengah tidak membuatkan perwakilan EU
bersikap ganjil. Menteri luar negara-negara Kesatuan
European Union (EU) sedang berusaha mencari jalan bagaimana
mereka dapat membantu menghentikan pertumpahan darah di
Palestin. Mereka mula berbincang pada 3 April, di
Luxemburg. Harus dirakamkan di sini bahawa EU memang mengutuk sebarang
kegiatan keganasan, yang dilakukan oleh kumpulan militan
pertubuhan Palestin, tetapi ini tidak bermakna mereka
menyokong tindakan tentera Israel. Perwakilan EU sudah lama
meminta Israel mengundurkan tenteranya daripada wilayah
yang dijajahnya sejak permulaan tindakan ketenteraan
mereka. Sepanyol telah menghantar sepucuk surat kepada
Ariel Sharon, mendesak agar dihentikan serta merta operasi
ketenteraan dan mematuhi keputusan Majlis Keselamatan PBB.
Menteri Luar Sepanyol Joseph Pique telah mendakwa bahawa
peperangan anti-keganasan itu tidak bererti kemusnahan
terhadap bangunan pentadbiran Palestin.
Situasi Timur Tengah turut dibincangkan dalam satu
pertemuan antara Menteri Luar Russia, Igor Ivanov dengan
rakan sejawatannya di Eropah pada 2 April. Nampaknya Russia
dan EU mempunyai pendapat yang seiras dalam isu ini: kedua
pihak mendesak Israel menghentikan operasi ganasnya
terhadap Palestin. Perkara ini memang tidak mengejutkan.
Para pemimpin jabatan luar memang sudah mengaturkan jadual
Sidang Kemuncak Russia-EU yang dijadualkan pada Mei 28,
yang akan turut membincangkan masalah bahan tenaga untuk
kepentingan bersama. Situasi di Timur Tengah sudah pasti
akan menjadi tajuk utama perbincangan itu. Namun demikian,
pentadbiran Russia tidak berapa mahu mendengar pendapat EU,
kerana memang ada sebabnya. Kerajaan Ariel Sharon tidak
akan mempedulikan kritikan EU kecuali AS menghentikan
sokongannya terhadap Israel. Tetapi, Menteri-menteri Luar
EU memang tidak senang hati dengan AS kerana tidak
memainkan peranan utama untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu.
Pentadbiran EU memang belum bersedia untuk menjadi pendamai
dalam perbalahan di Timur Tengah. Harapan untuk mencapai
kejayaan adalah terlalu tipis, dan kritikan terhadap usaha
itu akan bertan-tan banyaknya, seandainya berlaku lagi
kegagalan. Kerana itu EU hanya mampu meminta pihak yang
berperang menghentikannya, tetapi rayuan itu tidak mampu
memaksa sesiapa mematuhinya. Pada masa ini EU tidak
mempunyai sebarang pengaruh ke atas orang Palestin, Israel
dan EU sudah sedar apa gunanya mengkritik Amerika dalam
perkara itu? EU lebih bersifat memihak mana-mana pihak yang
bergiat cergas dalam usaha damai itu: AS, Russia ataupun
negara Arab. Ini merupakan satu taktik yang betul, tetapi
mampukah ia memutikkan hasilnya? Buat masa ini, tidak
banyak dalil untuk bersikap optimis. Oleg Artyukov Terjemahan: SPAR Asal: http://english.pravda.ru/world/2002/04/03/27328.html
2002-04-03 The situation in the Middle East does not leave the EU
representatives indifferent. The foreign ministers of the
European Union members were trying to solve the question of
how the European community could assist in stopping the
bloodshed in Palestine. The discussion took place on April
3, in Luxembourg. It should be mentioned that the European Union condemned
the acts of terrorism, performed by the militants of the
Palestinian organizations, but it did not support the
operation of the Israeli army. The EU representatives have
been calling upon Israel to withdraw the troops from the
occupied territories since the beginning of the army
actions. Spain sent a letter to Ariel Sharon, demanding the
immediate cessation of the military operation and execution
of the adequate UN Security Council. Spanish Foreign
Minister Josep Pique claimed that the anti-terrorist war
did not equal the destruction of the Palestinian
administrative buildings. By the way, the situation in the Middle East was discussed
at the meeting between the Russian Foreign Minister Igor
Ivanov and his European colleagues on April 2. It seems
that Russia and the EU have a common viewpoint as far as
the issue is concerned: both Russia and the EU urge Israel
to stop the operation against Palestine. This is not
surprising. The leaders of the foreign political
departments were also discussing the coming Russia-EU
summit, which is to take place May 28, as well as the
mutual relations in energy field. But the Mideast situation
was surely the key subject of the discussion.
Nevertheless, the Israeli administration is not really
willing to listen to the opinion of the European Union, and
there are reasons for that. Ariel Sharon's government will
hardly pay attention to critics of the EU until the USA
supports Israel. By the way, the European foreign ministers
set out their discontent with the fact that the USA was not
playing a significant role in the process of settling the
current bloody conflict. But the EU administration is hardly ready to become a
conciliator in the field of regulation of the Mideast
conflict. The hope for success is very little, and there
will be tons of criticism, if another peacemaking mission
fails. That is why the EU will keep on calling the feuding
parties to stop the violence, but these appeals do not
oblige anyone with anything. At present moment, the EU does
not have any levels to show influence on either the
Palestinians, or the Israelis, and the European Union
perfectly realizes that - what would be the point to
criticize Americans otherwise' The Europeans apparently
stake on joining the efforts of all the parties, which
interests are touched upon in the conflict either way: the
USA, Russia, Arab states. This is a correct tactics, but
will it bring any results? At present moment there are few
reasons to be optimistic. Oleg Artyukov PRAVDA.Ru Translated by Dmitry Sudakov |