TAG SP 651: Perbezaan pendapat D/Islam: Berdagang atau Menentang Israel By Oleg Artyukov 10/4/2002 10:25 pm Wed |
Pravda: Perbezaan pendapat dalam dunia Islam: Berdagang ataupun
Menentang Israel (Split in Islamic World: Either Trade or Fight With Israel)
Hampir kesemua peserta Persidangan Negara-negara Islam
menyatakan sokongan terhadap perjuangan orang Palestin,
tetapi ini tidak bermakna mereka semuanya bersedia untuk
bersatu padu terhadap Israel. Perdana Menteri Turki,
Bulant Ecavit, telah menolak cadangan pihak pembangkang
agar mengenepikan (membatalkan) satu kontrak bernilai
USD668 juta yang ditandatangani dengan Israel untuk
pembekalan kereta kebal. Mengikut Ecavit: 'Itu adalah satu
perjanjian yang tidak boleh dibatalkan.' Pada waktu yang
sama perdana menteri itu berkata pelbagai bentuk tekanan
yang lain boleh dirancang terhadap Israel. Tetapi dia
tidak pula menyebut jenis tekanan itu.
Iraq yang terkenal sebagai peleceh kepada Israel dan AS,
tidak pula berdiam diri dalam hal ini. Baghdad telah
mencadangkan agar negara Arab menghentikan pengeluaran dan
penjualan minyak kepada Amerika Syarikat. Usaha ini harus
dilaksanakan seandainya Washington terus memberikan
sokongannya kepada Israel. Iraq mendesak dunia Arab
menghentikan sebarang kerjasama dengan Amerika Syarikat
dalam peperangan menghapuskan keganasan sehingga Amerika
'mengaku bahawa sikap kurang ajar Israel terhadap Palestin
adalah tindakan keganasan jua.' Mengenai keganasan itu, para peserta persidangan gagal
merumuskan satu keputusan mengenainya. Ini adalah berpunca
daripada kenyataan celupar perdana menteri Mahathir yang
berpendapat sebarang tindakan yang mengena orang awam
hendaklah dianggap sebagai keganasan. Pendapat celupar ini
adalah satu serkap jarang yang turut terpalit kepada
keganasan Israel di wilayah Palestin. Begitu juga dengan
serangan pejuang berani mati (Palestin) yang meledakkan
bom dan turut membunuh diri mereka di wilayah Israel.
Majoriti peserta persidangan tidak dapat menerima tafsiran
keganasan yang dicadangkan oleh perdana menteri Malaysia
itu. Wakil Palestin telah bertegas mahukan satu resolusi
diluluskan oleh persidangan itu untuk memperakui bahawa
perjuangan orang Palestin untuk mendapatkan kembali
tanahair mereka bukannya satu bentuk keganasan. Akhirnya,
perwakilan membuat keputusan bahawa perkara itu harus
ditangani oleh PBB. Persidangan itu turut bersetuju bahawa
tindakan negara Islam yang lain, seperti perjuangan
kumpulan Lubnan terhadap Israel, tidak boleh dianggap
sebagai keganasan. Sekali lagi Persidangan Negara-negara Islam itu memberikan
gambaran betapa mereka tidak mempunyai satu pendirian
tegas mengenai keganasan. Secara sebulat suara mereka
mengutuk Israel, tetapi enggan bermusuhan dengan negara
itu. Alasannya adalah terlalu mudah: Israel menerima
sokongan Amerika Syarikat, yang merupakan pembeli terbesar
minyak keluaran majoriti negara-negara Islam. Hanya Iraq
ataupun Iran yang mampu mengeluarkan kenyataan yang
keras-keras terhadap Amerika Syarikat. Namun demikian
kenyataan seperti itu tidak boleh dianggap sebagai sesuatu
yang serius. Ada kalanya, mereka sendiri seolah-olah tidak
berapa peduli dengan keadaan yang sebenarnnya.
Oleh Artyukov, Pravda Ru. Terjemahan: SPAR Asal: http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/04/03/27322.html
WITH ISRAEL A special session of the Islamic conference organization
continues in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. The
session was summoned to work out a single position of the
Islamic states regarding the Sept.11 acts of terrorism. The
session's beginning coincided with another aggravation of
the Arab-Israeli conflict. Representatives of Islamic states
touched upon the escalation of the Mideast violence. As
could be expected, viewpoints on the conflict are different
among the leaders of the Islamic states.
Almost all of the conference participants expressed their
support of the Palestinians, which, in its turn, does not
mean at all that they were ready to create a unified front
against Israel. Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit turned
down the opposition's suggestion to cancel a $668 million
contract concluded with Israel on the modernization of
tanks. In Ecevit's words, 'it is a deal and cannot be
cancelled.' At the same time, the Turkish prime minister
said that other kinds of pressure can be exerted upon
Israel. He did not mention what kind of pressure.
Iraq, which has already become accustomed to the role of a
bogeyman for Israel and the USA, is not distant from the
events. Baghdad suggested that the Arab nations should
suspend oil sales to the USA. The initiative is to be
applied if Washington continues its support of Israel. Iraq
calls upon the Arab world to renounce cooperation with the
USA in the anti-terror war until 'America admits that
Israeli aggression on Palestinian territories is terrorism
as well.' As for terrorism itself. The participants of the conference
failed to work out a single opinion on terrorism. Malaysian
President Mahathir Mohamad stated that any actions directed
against civilians should be treated as terrorism. This seems
to be a rather broad notion to also cover Israeli violence
on Palestinian territories. The attacks of suicide bombers
in the center of Israel can be added here as well. The
majority at the conference did not like the interpretation
of terrorism suggested by the Malaysian president. The
Palestinian delegation was among the majority and insisted
that a resolution should be passed at the conference to
declare that struggle of the Palestinians for their
territories was not terrorism. Finally, Islamic delegation
that was present at the Malaysia conference decided that it
was the UN that could settle the problem. It was also stated
at the conference that the activity of other Islamic states,
the struggle of Lebanese groups against Israel for example,
cannot considered to be terrorism. The conference demonstrated once again that the Islamic
states have no single position concerning terrorism. They
were unanimous in blaming Israel, but were reluctant to
conflict with the country. The explanation seems to be very
simple: Israel is backed by the USA, which is the largest
purchaser of oil for the majority of Islamic states. Only
Iraq or Iran can make such bold statements concerning the
USA. However, such statements cannot be treated seriously,
as these countries are hardly inclined to be at war with the
USA. The conference revealed that the Islamic states will not be
able to come to agreement on disputable problems very soon.
Sometimes, it even seems that they are not even concerned
with the situation. Oleg Artyukov Translated by Maria Gousseva |