MGG: A bilateral hiccup raises the ire in Singapore and Malaysia By M.G.G. Pillai 6/2/2002 9:46 pm Wed |
Harakah A bilateral hiccup raises the ire in Singapore and Malaysia
Malaysia-Singapore ties cannot be much better nor much worse than
now so long as it is seen by one to score points on the other not
in the national interest but to justify the mental baggage of
past cultural hurt, racial antagonism and xenophobia. Neither
would accept this view, but it is this that makes for
accommodation difficult. The two countries view issues
differently, one with a slide rule in hand and the other rather
less scientifically. Each looks upon the other as the problem,
and the level of hysteria in one capital is linked to the
advantage slipping to the other side. Within this frame, the current spat in bilateral ties, and
Malaysia's overreaction over the price of water Singapore pays
reflects not justice on Kuala Lumpur's position but that
Singapore now has the upper hand. It is Kuala Lumpur that does
the running while not so long ago it was Singapore. So one
should expect Kuala Lumpur to raise issues over how Malays are
treated in the republic, and see in every Singapore action
towards Malaysia or Singapore Malays a call for action.
What caused the present spat is an unexpected Malaysian
demand that Singapore ought to pay far more than the contractual
price for water it acquired from Malaysia. The Prime Minister,
Dato' Seri Mahathir Mohamed, said since Hong Kong is paying China
RM9 per 1,000 gallons, he implied that Singapore ought to as
well. He was making a point to firm his local Malay base,
preparing the ground for general elections probably as early as
next year. Singapore now pays three sen per 1,000 gallons of untreated
water and sells treated water to Johore at 50 sen, under
agreements that will run out in 2061. Malaysia had asked for 60
sen for untreated water under the present agreements, but
Singapore countered, last Decament, with an immediate rise of 45
sen or 15 times the current rate, and 60 sen after 2061.
Singapore made the offer in December but Malaysia has yet to
respond. In raising the ante, Dr Mahathir also misread history: he
suggested the low rates were because Malaysia had a loaded gun to
its head when the agreements were negotiated in 1961 because
'Singapore was then a colony'. It was not. It was internally
self-governing status then, and they were signed amidst plans for
Singapore to join the proposed federal of Malaysia.
It is not water alone that skewers bilateral ties. Malaysia
wants a bridge to replace the causeway. Singapore disagrees. So,
Malaysia is committed to build half a bridge that would link to
the Singapore side of the causeway. It makes no sense, and this
sudden interest in ecological concerns and allow water to flow
from one side of the causeway to the other is not sustainable.
A few years ago, Malaysia had wanted to build a waterfront
city on its side of the Straits of Johore, one which Dr Mahathir
enthusiastically supported. That fell by the wayside when the
company promoting it was sold to Singapore interests. Malaysia
has not thought through the project, and the more one looks at it
the more cock-eyed it looks. There is more. Malaysia messed up its discussions with
Singapore over the railway land. At one stage, it even
questioned Singapore's right to puts its entry point into the
republic at the Woodlands, and insisted the old arrangements at
the railway terminus at Tanjong Pagar should remain. Singapore
held its ground. Then it wanted the right to develop the railway
land, but lost that when Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM) was
privatised, and the land suddenly was no more Malaysia's.
The land had been alienated for a government-run railway
network; when KTM was privatised, the land in Singapore reverted
to the state. But the cockups did not stop there. Malaysia now
wanted a tunnel for the railway. It would cost billions of
ringgit before that could be built, for doubtful gains. Malaysia
should have accepted Singapore's offer to jointly develop the
railway land, but Kuala Lumpur questioned that.
Malaysia shoots itself in the foot so regularly that
Singaporeans must be having a quiet laugh. Decisions are made
not with thought and serious discussion but off the cuff for
political advantage. It wants the bridge for a half-baked
military view that in the event of hostilities, it is easier to
blow it up, as the Australians did when hostilities broke out at
the start of the Second World War, and the drawbrdge was not
brought back after the war. Kuala Lumpur has lost ground so consistently in recent years
that the level of bombast rises with each new claim. So, one is
not surprised that Malaysia questioned Singapore's right to force
Muslim pupils to wear the "tudung", the head scarf. Singapore
held its ground, but it imposed this with a clear aim of taunting
the Malays. That it came amidst the global war of terror
against, to not put a fine point to it, Islam is not missed.
These are but a few issues which dictate Malaysia-Singapore
ties. They will not go away. They cannot. Both use them to
keep the other in check. And they are useful to keep the pot
boiling when it must. But the intensity of how each views it
depends on who holds the upper hand. It is Singapore now. It
was Malaysia not so long ago. And it was Singapore before that.
Singaporean and Malaysian officials insist that bilateral ties
are not dictated by cultural and racial xenophobia. Neither
could or would admit it is. Why relations between the two can never be more cordial than
it is, at any time, is the subconscious belief in each capital of
their racial minority in the other is held to ransom in the
search for a modus vivendi. Both can bring trenchant arguments
to suggest otherwise, but remove this and bilateral ties would
take a leap forward. But neither can. And more of this
suspicion and a hurt at the other's perfidy, right or wrong, is
what would dictate it. -- MGG M.G.G. Pillai |