KQ: Legalising Phantom Voters Again? By Kim Quek 6/2/2002 10:17 am Wed |
06.02.2002 The pall of massive phantom voters once again has descended to haunt
Malaysians. Not from the recently completed Indera Kayangan by-election.
But from a major amendment to election laws, whereby all phantom voters that
have existed in the past to play havoc to our electoral process will now be
legitimized and legalized for good.
De facto Law Minister Rais Yatim has just announced that extensive
amendments to election laws will be tabled in Parliament in coming March.
Hidden in the multitude of amendments is one vital clause which states:
'The gazetted electoral roll will be deemed as final and cannot be
challenged in court as to its authoritativeness, exhaustiveness or
correctness.' As can be expected, the conniving local press has either blacked out the
news of these amendments entirely, or deliberately diverted attention to
this vital amendment by highlighting other lesser issues. Regrettably, this
vital amendment also seems to have escaped the attention of the Opposition,
who appear to be embroiled in lesser issues such as the quantum of election
deposits. Readers will recall that Minister Rais made a similar attempt to introduce
this amendment in the midst of a parliamentary session in July last year,
but had to postpone it due to the lack of time to complete the drafting.
That attempt was an urgent counter measure to neutralize the intense heat
that was generated by Justice Muhammad Kamil Awang's annulment of an
election in Sabah (Likas). In that Judgment, Justice Kamil stunned the
Nation by revealing the presence of a massive electoral scam in the form of
tens of thousand of phantom voters, and the subsequent efforts by the former
Chief Justice to thwart attempts of election appeals arising from these
phantom voters. The phenomenon of these phantom voters, consisting entirely of illegal
Philippine and Indonesian immigrants (mainly Muslims), is so pervasive that
Justice Kamil described these tens of thousand of voters particularized in
his Judgment, as merely a 'tip of the iceberg'. These illegal immigrants
have been illegally incorporated into the electoral roll in a massive
undercover campaign in a deliberate attempt to bolster the electoral
strength of UMNO. It is due to the influx of these illegal voters that UMNO
managed to wrest political power in Sabah in recent years from the previous
incumbent PBS, which are largely non-Muslim.
UMNO's grip of power in Sabah looks set as long as these phantom voters
remain securely embedded in the electoral rolls. And the significance of
political dominance in Sabah to national politics cannot be overestimated,
as the substantial block of seats in that State may well decide who the
winner is in a close contest for power in a national election.
However, UMNO's source of strength in Sabah can also be turned into a cause
of weakness, as these phantom voters can be identified and purged. This
prospect can be worrisome, especially when a hitherto submissive (to the
Executive) and corrupt judiciary appears to be undergoing transformation to
restore its constitutional role, as in the present case in this Country.
For if this transformation were to be eventually successful, then the
Opposition may stand a reasonable chance to have the electoral roll cleansed
of illegal voters through judicial intervention, thereby altering the status
quo of political power in the State. UMNO's sinister motive in introducing this amendment can hardly be
concealed. If UMNO's conduct has been honourable, why hasn't the UMNO
controlled government taken action to purge the phantom voters and punish
the culprits, following Justice Kamil's revelations? What conceivable
justifications can UMNO have to make the authority of the Election
Commission so sacrosanct that it should be elevated beyond the reach of law?
If frauds or defects are discovered in an electoral roll, why can't it be
challenged in court? And if a party suffers injustice as a consequence,
where can he seek justice if he is denied access to the court?
This amendment is so incomprehensively unreasonable, that it defies any
logical explanation, other than for self-serving purpose to the incumbent
power to gain unfair advantage over the opponents through a subservient
election commission, as in this case in Malaysia. This kind of barbarous
legislation should have no place in a democratic society, as its concept is
incompatible with the principles of the rule of law and democracy, and is
totally repugnant to the grain of natural justice.
Proponents of this amendment may argue that the public is given the
opportunity to raise objections to the electoral roll within a prescribed
period. But this provision has been proven to be a farce, as evident from
Kamil's Judgment, which detailed how numerous documented complaints of
phantom voters had been simply brushed aside by the UMNO government with
perfect impunity. The experience is so frustrating that one is inclined to
view such election complaints under the UMNO administration as analogous to
reporting crimes to the Mafia. Without legal redress to deal with the phantom voter scourge, the people of
Sabah will forever be doomed to be ruled by a power against their choice.
Before any one living in Penisular Malaysia starts to count his lucky star
for not having to suffer the same fate as the Sabahans, he is well advised
to take a close look at the statistics of illegal immigrants in this
Country. Observers have reliably estimated that there are 3 million illegal
immigrants in this Country, one third of whom are in Sabah (many of whom
have now been illegally incorporated as locals in a an undercover campaign
designed to decisively tilt the balance of political power in favour of
UMNO). (That there are one million illegal immigrants in Sabah is an inescapable
conclusion from the fact in the late 70s, the population in Sarawak was much
larger than that in Sabah; but the ratio is now reversed, with 3 million in
Sabah compared to 2 million in Sarawak, while all this time, there have been
no net migration of people from Penisular to Sabah. Where have the
additional one million plus people in Sabah come from, if not from the
neighbouring countries of Philippines and Indonesia?)
The fact that there is no discovery of large concentration of phantom voters
from the illegal immigrants (mainly Indonesians) in Penisular Malaysia does
not mean that they don't exist, albeit scattered thinly over the Penisular.
Nor can any one be sure that they will not become phantom voters in large
numbers, if this is deemed necessary for the political survival of the
incumbent power. Knowing the ruthlessness of the UMNO election machine, the
staggering numbers of 2 million illegal populations can present nightmares
to the Opposition, if only a fraction of this group is exploited Sabah style
to tilt the balance in favour of the incumbent in tightly fought elections.
Once this proposed amendment to the election laws is legislated in
Parliament in March, the Opposition will have no constitutional avenue to
redress the wrongs, even if there is an independent judiciary, for the
latter will have no jurisdiction over any dispute on the electoral roll.
There are already enough autocratic powers that the ruling party readily
exercises to render elections bereft of democratic meanings such as
arbitrary arrests without charges and blanket banning of political
gatherings. By placing the electoral roll beyond judicial review, the
ruling power may have plugged the remaining opening that could have given
the people the option to change a government constitutionally.