Reuters: Schoolgirls in headscarves hit raw Singapore nerve By John O'Callaghan 6/2/2002 12:49 am Wed |
malaysia/1012903450nSIN176133.ASP ANALYSIS-Schoolgirls in headscarves hit raw Singapore nerve
05 Feb 2002 10:04 By John O'Callaghan SINGAPORE, Feb 5 (Reuters) - A piece of cloth, either colourful
or plain but always modest, is threatening Singapore's vision of
ethnic peace through conformity and unity.
Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the city state but two girls
ejected from primary school for wearing Muslim headscarves have
become symbols and pawns in an ideological stand-off that strikes
at the very heart of Singapore's nationhood.
Those who lived through the late 1950s and early 1960s cannot
forget the Chinese-Malay political battles, the communist guerrilla
emergency, street protests and violent race riots on the road to full
independence from Malaysia in 1965. Singapore is now a beacon of capitalist stability in a region
burdened by political and economic upheaval. But the events of
September 11 and the detention of 13 suspected Muslim militants
at home make the appearance of harmony ever more critical.
Has the government shot itself in the foot by taking a tough line
against two little girls when it could have scored points with the
Muslim community at a sensitive time?
"Part of it is that policy of trying to maintain multi-ethnic
harmony...and at the same time having a kind of uniformity," said
Dr Suriani Suratman of the Department of Malay Studies at the
National University of Singapore. "If you do give in on this one, there will be others who also push
for all kinds of other things." MORE OR LESS EQUAL The Chinese-dominated People's Action Party has ruled with a
pragmatic and paternalistic hand since the young republic's first
internal self-government in May 1959.
Conscious of history and the massive Muslim presence of
Malaysia and Indonesia on its tiny doorstep, the government
seeks to strike a balance between the Chinese majority and the
Malay and Indian communities by being fanatically even-handed.
The headscarf and other non-standard clothing is not allowed in
class, the Ministry of Education says, because the school uniform
"is an important means of building unity among students without
distinction of race, religion and social status".
Critics counter by pointing to the turbans Sikh boys wear to school
under a decree from Singapore's days as a British colony and the
crucifixes dangling from the necks of Christian students.
For devout Malay Muslims, the "tudung" is obligatory once girls
reach puberty but some parents have them wear it earlier.
The two Muslim girls were suspended on Monday for flouting a
deadline to comply with the national school dress code by going
to class in standard-issue pinafores and their own headscarves.
The parents of Nurul Nasihah and Siti Farwizah Mohamad Kassim
now face the dilemma of keeping their daughters in the public
education system at the expense of their religious beliefs.
"What can I do?" Nurul's father Mohamad Nasser said. "The
government is not giving me any leeway."
A third girl, Khairah Faroukh, began wearing a headscarf two
weeks into the school year and has been warned to meet the
dress code by February 11 or face suspension. Another Muslim
family has pulled their daughter from school to educate her at
home. RIPPLES IN THE POND Other countries have struggled with the issue of religion in schools
and its overall place in secular society.
France, anxious about Islamic fundamentalism in its former colony
Algeria, banned "ostentatious religious symbols" from schools in
the mid-1990s without referring to headscarves. In protest, many
young Muslim women suddenly took to wearing them.
Some students expelled from school for wearing headscarves
successfully sued the French government and were re-instated
but there has been no national decision on the issue.
In Germany, a headscarf-wearing Muslim teacher last year lost a
court challenge to a state ban on religious symbols in schools.
But in Britain, the London police force has accepted the headscarf
as a uniform option for Muslim officers. Apart from the suspects detained over alleged bomb plots and a
few fractious voices, Singapore's 450,000-strong Malay Muslim
community is largely moderate -- a point government officials and
religious leaders have been at pains to stress.
The headscarf issue is unlikely to be a flashpoint but adds to
grievances about the exclusion of Muslim men from sensitive
military posts and economic disparity between Malays and
Chinese. Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong has vowed the government would
protect all minorities in the event of a crisis and unveiled new
grassroots groups to promote dialogue among communities.
"We cannot afford a repeat of the panic and irrational fear that led
to segregation of the races after the two riots of 1964," Goh said at
the end of January. NO UNIFORM OPINION Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, the wife of jailed former Malaysian deputy
prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, joined the fray on Monday by
calling on Singapore to relent on the tudung ban in schools.
"We believe the choice of wearing certain attire by Muslims would
not lead to social disintegration," she said.
A Malaysian deputy minister who made a similar plea last week
was sharply rebuked for meddling in Singapore's affairs.
But Suriani of the National University of Singapore noted that
Muslim opinion on headscarves was not universal.
"One of the problems of the tudung issue is to assume it's what the
community wants," she said. "They (the government) are also
feeling that there are different kind of Muslims and I think they are
counting on those -- they've used this word moderate."
Internet chat rooms have been ablaze with debate, with some
writers accusing the government of Chinese chauvinism and
others saying the parents should send their daughters to Muslim
schools. One contributor, identifying herself as a Malay Muslim who wears
a headscarf to work, said she could neither fully support or
condemn the decision by Nurul and Siti's parents.
"My own daughter goes to school without her headscarf and that
doesn't mean that my daughter is not a true Muslim," she wrote on
Yahoo's Singapore portal, before adding that the tudung in itself
was no guarantee of upstanding morals.
KUALA LUMPUR DAP urges Singapore to rescind school tudung ban
by Zubaidah Abu Bakar zubaid@nstp.com.my
The DAP today urged the Singapore Government to review its ruling
of not allowing Muslim schoolgirls to wear tudung in school.
DAP national deputy chairman Karpal Singh said while the
Singapore Government has the right to implement domestic policies in
the republic, it should not be insensitive to the rights and feelings of
its Muslim citizens. "Afterall, wearing of headscarves by female Muslim students will in
no way lead to racial discord," he said. "Sikh pupils in Singapore
schools are allowed to wear turbans. Why should there be
discrimination against Muslim schoolgirls?"
Joining the chorus of earlier protests from the Umno and Pas Youth
movements, Karpal said he believed racial harmony in the republic
would be enhanced if the ruling is revoked.
Its implementation he said, would be counter-productive and alienate
Muslims not only in Singapore, but also those across the causeway.
"It will also sow the seed of discord among Muslims in the republic,
an eventuality the Singapore Government can ill-afford because of
the republic's multi-racial and multi-religious set up."
Karpal also pointed out that Article 15(1) of the Singapore
Constitution provided that: Every person has the right to profess and
practise his religion and to propogate it.
Referring to a Malaysian case the Meor Atiqulrahman bin Ishak &
Ors vs Fatimah bte Sihi & Ors case, Karpal said the Seremban High
Court had also ruled in 1999 that the headmistress of Sekolah
Kebangsaan Serting Hilir in Negri Sembilan had no jurisdiction to
prevent Muslim pupils from wearing turbans.
The pupils had justified wearing turbans was the tradition of the
Prophet. "In the United Kingdom, the House of Lords held a Sikh bus
conductor, in line with his religion, had the right to wear a turban,"
he added. He said another was the Canadian judicial pronouncement which
held that a Sikh Mountie have the right to wear a turban as ordained
by his religion. "I would have thought the Singapore Government would have been
more mature than descend to implementing a ruling defying logic and
common sense. http://about.reuters.com/dynamic/countrypages/
malaysia/1012824061nSIN160956.ASP 04 Feb 2002 12:01 (Recasts with government response, analyst comments)
By Amy Tan SINGAPORE, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Singapore's government, weighing
the thorny issues of religious freedom and social cohesion, took a
hard line against two Muslim girls on Monday, suspending the
primary school pupils for wearing headscarves to class.
Clutching the hands of family members, the girls had little idea of
the storm surrounding them or the broader ramifications as the city
state stresses moderation and unity after the recent detention of 13
suspected Muslim militants. Nurul Nasihah and Siti Farwizah Mohamad Kassim came to class in
headscarves and school uniforms, flouting the Monday deadline to
comply with the state policy barring the traditional Malay Muslim
"tudung" and other non-standard clothing.
The Ministry of Education said in a statement the girls "have been
suspended from school and are not allowed to attend classes
unless they are in the prescribed school uniform".
For devout Malay Muslims, the tudung is obligatory once girls hit
puberty but some parents have them wear it from a tender age.
Nearly all of Singapore's 450,000 Malays are Muslim, making Islam
the second-largest religion after Buddhism.
RULES ARE RULES Nurul was suspended by her school almost immediately as her
father complained of being painted into a corner.
"What can I do? The government is not giving me any leeway,"
Mohamad Nasser told reporters. "My daughter's education is as
important as my faith, my religion." Six-year-old Siti spent about two hours in class before her father
fetched her on news of the suspension.
Both girls started their first year of school last month.
A third girl, Khairah Faroukh, who began wearing a headscarf two
weeks into the school year, has until February 11 to comply with
the dress code or face suspension, the ministry said.
"The wearing of the school uniform is an important means of
building unity among students without distinction of race, religion
and social status," the statement said.
Another Muslim family has taken their tudung-wearing daughter out
of school to be educated at home. Singapore, whose Chinese majority outnumbers the Malay and
Indian communities by three to one, experienced violent race riots
in 1964 but has largely enjoyed ethnic peace since then.
Muslim leaders have emphasised the moderate nature of their
community since the September 11 attacks on the United States,
anti-U.S. anger in Muslim behemoth Indonesia and the arrests of
the suspects in December for plotting a bombing campaign.
WALKING A TIGHTROPE "The government is walking on a tightrope," Bilveer Singh,
associate professor of political science at the National University of
Singapore, told Reuters. "They have to keep all the racial groups in balance while giving in
to things which do not harm the national whole."
There is no hint the headscarf issue will become explosive but it
caps a series of grievances that include the exclusion of Muslim
men from sensitive areas of the military and concern over Malays
lagging behind the Chinese economically.
Abdul Aziz Shamsudin, Malaysia's deputy education minister, was
told to keep his nose out of Singapore's business after he called on
the government to reconsider its headscarf stance.
"Their worry is if you allow the minority a small leeway, the majority
is going to come banging on your door," Singh said.
"Then you're going to have a problem with your neighbours and all
the notions of Singapore being a Chinese state become real."
Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong said the courts were best placed to
deal with the tudung issue but voiced hopes Singaporeans would
instead focus on the retooling of the recession-hit economy.
Siti's father would not say whether he would resort to court action
but added: "I can always make an appeal."
The opposition Singapore Democratic Party said the government
could not preserve racial harmony by mandating a dress code.
"In fact, such a myopic and insensitive ruling will only lead to
greater resentment among those being coerced, resulting in an
even more polarised society," it said in a statement.
(With reporting by Royston Chan)