Muslimedia: US's treatment of Afghan prisoners causing concern... By Waseem Shehzad 2/2/2002 11:28 am Sat |
US's treatment of Afghan prisoners causing concern even among
allies By Waseem Shehzad America's treatment of prisoners from Afghanistan has
embarrassed even its closest allies. France and Germany have
officially urged Washington to ensure that the prisoners held at
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are treated lawfully, and the European
Union has called for their rights to be protected. The British and
Canadian governments have sided publicly with the US, but the
British media and members of parliament have been blunt in their
criticism. Washington, however, remains adamant; flushed with military
success, it feels it is above the law. On January 22 US defence
secretary Donald Rumsfeld called allegations of mistreatment "just
plain false" and the result of "uninformed, misinformed or poorly
informed" media reports. The following day US president George
Bush also said that Americans should be "proud" of the way the
prisoners were being treated. The prisoners' beards and heads have been shaved, in a
deliberate insult to Muslim tradition; their feet are shackled, they
are handcuffed and blindfolded. During their transfer to Cuba, they
were chained to seats in transport planes for the 17-hour journey
from Qandahar. Refusing to declare them prisoners of war, which
would necessitate treating them according to the Geneva
Convention, Washington insists on classifying the detainees as
"illegal combatants." Yet Bush is on record as having declared
"war" on terrorism.
In justifying the horrible treatment of prisoners, White House
spokesman Ari Fleischer said on January 23 that they were very
dangerous people, "the worst of the worst." Even if this were true,
it does not justify their treatment as animals.
The Geneva Convention applies to all detainees regardless of their
nationality, ethnic origin or circumstances in which they engaged
in warfare. The only exceptions are spies and those who wage war
secretly. The Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters are not spies, nor did
they fight secretly. They declared openly that they would fight the
US if it attacked Afghanistan.
Photographs of some prisoners kneeling, with their hands tied
behind their backs, forced to wear dark goggles, earmuffs, mittens
and bright orange jumpsuits in barbed-wire cages, have aroused
much anger globally. The US has tried to hide behind its own
declaration that these are "illegal combatants", so that it does not
have to treat them any better.
Even legal experts in the US, however, have dismissed this
argument. In fact, a US federal judge in Los Angeles was
presented with a petition by civil-rights advocates, among them
Ramsey Clark, the former US attorney general, on behalf of 110
detainees, claiming that they were being held in violation of the US
Constitution and Geneva Conventions. Judge Howard Matz said
that he did not feel he had the authority to deal with the petition,
but he asked that the applicants present arguments on February 14
about why he should hear the case. The fact that the US is not on firm ground in its dealings with its
prisoners is also evident from the fact that they have been
tranferred illegally from Afghanistan - where the combat took place
(even if some of the detainees are non-Afghans) - to Guantanamo
Bay, an US naval base at the tip of Cuba that America has
occupied since 1903. (The Cuban government refuses to accept
the U$4,085 annual rent offered by the US.)
By not taking the prisoners to the US mainland, the need to accord
them legal protection - access to lawyers, opportunity to
challenge their detention in a US court, and so on - is also
circumvented. It is clear that the US government is not confident of
its position even in its own courts of law, where the atmosphere
can hardly be favourable to people who have been denigrated
incessantly for more than five months as "the enemy" , "terrorists"
and out to cause harm to America.
The prisoners' mistreatment is part of a deliberate attempt to
disorient them and "soften them up" for interrogation. The
barbed-wire cages in which they are kept leave them exposed to
the elements. They are isolated from each other and shackled in
painful positions for prolonged periods. Were such treatment meted
out to animals and the news become public knowledge, there
would be vociferous protests all over the world.
There are an another 475 or so prisoners still held in Afghanistan;
by January 25 the US had not decided when they might be moved
to Cuba. The International Committee of the Red Cross was allowed
to visit the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay on January 18. Amnesty
International has also requested permission to visit them. The Red
Cross objected to the release of prisoners' photographs, but said
nothing about their mistreatment. Washington was also criticised on January 22, when a senior UN
official accused the Bosnian and US governments of acting
illegally when Sarajevo handed over six Arab suspects to US
authorities the week before. "The rule of law was clearly
circumvented in this process," said Madeleine Rees, from the UN
human-rights agency, adding that there was "no legal basis"for
their handover. The six were held by the Bosnian government at the behest of the
US but released when Washington refused to divulge the source
and nature of the charges against them. No sooner had they been
released than the Bosnian authorities pounced on them and
handed them over to the US. There were angry protests in
Sarajevo against this piracy, with Bosnian police firing at their own
people. Criticism of America's mistreatment of prisoners in not based on
moral principles; western governments are afraid that, if their own
soldiers fell into Muslims' hands, they could also be mistreated.
Many of these same governments felt no moral compunction about
attacking Afghanistan without demanding proof of Usama bin
Ladin's involvement in the attacks on America on September 11;
nor did they urge the US not to attack civilian targets once the war
had begun. American government spokesmen and journalists
continue to boast about "minimal casualties" (their own, of course:
the other side does not matter) in Afghanistan. The fact that
thousands of Afghan civilians have been killed by the US bombing
is casually ignored. The US media have continued to peddle Pentagon propaganda,
and one paper - the New York Post - has been quite scathing in
its attack on the "liberal European press" for butchering the truth
about the prisoners' treatment, giving the British Daily Mail as an
example. The American media - television, radio and newspapers
- have repeated the line given by Rumsfeld: "The treatment of the
detainees in Guantanamo Bay is proper, it's humane, it's
appropriate, and it is fully consistent with international
conventions." Putting prisoners in shackles, handcuffs and
blindfolding them is routine in America, where detainees are
considered guilty because they are under arrest. Only whites are
exempted from such treatment: Johnny Walker Lindh, the American
Talib, appeared in a Virginia court on January 24 shaved of hair
and beard, but he had not been shackled, handcuffed or
blindfolded. On October 11 Bush expressed surprise about why people around the world hate America so much when Americans are "such good people." It is obviously unlikely that Bush will ever understand the reasons, or at least admit it in public. ![]() |