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AWise: Road To Nowhere [MSC] By Eric Ellis 3/1/2002 2:27 am Thu |
[Paper Lama dan Paper Baru.... Projek Wawasan yang dilancarkan dengan
penuh gegak hempita itu kini akhirnya kecundang. - Editor]
By Eric Ellis, AsiaWise Two interesting things in technology happened in April 1996.
The first was Malaysia's Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed
lauding Malaysia's planned Multimedia Super Corridor to Silicon
Valley tycoons in San Francisco. The second was the debut on the Nasdaq stockmarket of Internet
portal Yahoo! Four years later, Yahoo's market capitalization of $60 billion is not
far short of the size of the entire Malaysian economy. And building
has barely begun on the MSC. If Dr. Mahathir is even half the visionary his compliant media would
have Malaysians believe, then that crystal ball of his sorely needs
polishing. While America was creating massive wealth minting the
New Economy that Mahathir claims to have seen coming, Dr. M was
consumed with what his former deputy Anwar Ibrahim was, or was
not, doing in his private time, and what that meant to his tenure in
office. A recent visit to the MSC site, "Cyberjaya", south of Kuala Lumpur
bears stark testimony to Malaysia's missed opportunity. The MSC
mandarins in the Prime Minister's Department claim to have secured
investments from 362 companies to Cyberjaya. But it's not
immediately evident. Indeed as a real-life information superhighway,
the MSC makes a great building site. You're more likely to find a
stray buffalo, or a bemused family of monkeys wandering the
complicated and unfinished road system than an Internet node or a
server farm. Mobile phones have poor reception and Internet speeds
are apparently slow, according to those who have surfed out there.
If there's a wealth of new technological applications being
developed in the mud, it escaped this correspondent. I saw a modest
new "university" but few students, and a hotel called "Cyberview
Lodge". But don't take my word for it. Take the actions of the world's richest
man, Microsoft founder Bill Gates. He's on the MSC's International
Advisory Panel -- which purportedly gathers the world's top
technology brains and has them think about ways to turn Malaysia
into an Asian Silicon Valley. Frequent world traveler though he is,
and busy businessman no doubt, Gates has missed each annual
meeting of the panel since its formation, even though he's been to
Malaysia three times. Gates was in Cyberjaya last week and was at
least diplomatic to his hosts. After dissing Australia as "Old
Economy," he flew to KL to pronounce that "technologically,
Malaysia is actually quite a bit ahead of many countries that are
more larger and more economically developed."
And that's part of Malaysia's problem. People like Gates, who should
know better, are too busy tripping over themselves not to offend
countries like Malaysia when the tough love approach would do
them more favors than corporate sycophancy.
But there's two other big problems hindering Malaysia's take-up of
high-tech: money and liquidity. For evidence, click on to the "daily
diary" button at, the home page of the grandly
named Malaysian Exchange of Securities Dealing and Automated
Quotation, Malaysia?s apparent answer to the Nasdaq.
You won't see much exchanging going on. This is the Mesdaq
market wrap on any given day; "Supercomal Technologies Berhad
(Supercomal) and Intelligent Edge (IE) closed unchanged today in
the absence of trading activity. The closing price of Supercomal
remained at RM3.00 ($0.79). While IE remained the closing at
RM1.35 (sic). No contracts were traded today."
But by Mesdaq standards, it has been a boom month. When software
solutions group Intelligent Edge Technologies debuted last month,
the exchange doubled the number of listings on the exchange.
Too bad they don't trade. A Palm Pilot costs more than the daily
volume of shares changing hands on the Mesdaq.
Supercomal Technologies has been listed for 18 months, and Yahoo!
it ain't. Shares in the cable maker are up by 5% since it listed.
Maybe that helps explain why tech-savvy young Malaysians are
seeking inspiration and outlets in more established centers like
Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and North America.
Four years after its official launch, the MSC is going nowhere. Two
years after its debut, the Mesdaq is heading to the same place.
Malaysia is the country that threw a high-tech party and nobody
came. The crystal ball of Dr M. needs more than a polish. It needs
December 31 , 2001 21:40PM MESDAQ Akan Sertai Kumplan BSKL
KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Dis (Bernama) -- Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur
(BSKL) dan Malaysian Exchange of Securities Dealing &
Automated Quotation Bhd (MESDAQ) telah menyelesaikan
pemeteraian perjanjian bagi MESDAQ untuk menyertai Kumpulan
BSKL. Di dalam satu kenyataan hari ini BSKL berkata penggabungan
bursa-bursa itu menjadi sebuah bursa Malaysia tunggal seperti
disyorkan di dalam Pelan Induk Pasaran Mpdal (CMP) akan
bergerak lebih dekat kepada penghasilan.
Pengerusi eksekutif BSKL Datuk Mohd Azlan Hashim, berkata
penyatuan menjadi bursa Malaysia tunggal itu akan
mempercepatkan faedah-faedah bukan sahaja kepada BSKL dan
MESDAQ, tetapi akan memberi manfaat kepada peserta-peserta
industri dan pasaran modal Malaysia. "Penyatuan, sebagai satu inisiatif strategik akan menyelaraskan
fungsi-fungsi kawal seliaan dan juga pembangunan pasaran BSKL
dan MESDAQ, dengan matlamat menawarkan para pelabur,
penerbit perantara-perantara pasaran dan peserta-peserta pasaran
rangkaian produk-produk dan perkhidmatan yang lebih luas di
dalam cara yang paling selesa, cekap dan berkesan kos.
"Ini adalah penting bagi memenuhi permintaan pelbagai profil
pelabur dan keperluan-keperluan pengumpulan modal yang
kompetitif," katanya pada upacara menanda tangani itu.
Presiden MESDAQ, Abdullah Abdul Hamid berkata penggabungan
dengan BSKL akan membolehkan para pelabur memperolehi laluan
lebih baik kepada sekuriti-sekuriti MESDAQ disenaraikan malalui
rangkaian syarikat-syarikat anggota pembrokeran saham BSKL
yang lebih luas. "Peranan MESDAQ sebagai pasaran terpilih bagi syarikat-syarikat
pertumbuhan tinggi dan berasaskan teknologi untuk mengumpul
dana akan dipertingkatkan dengan lebih tinggi, di pasaran tempatan
dan antarabangsa," tambahnya. BSKL dan MESDAQ pertama kali menanda tangani memorandum
persefahaman (MoU) pada 27 Jun 2001 bagi mempermudah
perbincangan mengenai cara-cara terbaik untuk menyatukan
MESDAQ ke dalam Kumpulan BSKL. MoU itu menentukan persetujuan bagi kedua-dua pihak untuk
memasuki perundiangan lebih terperinci bagi mencari penyatuan.
Sebuah jawatankuasa kerja diketuai oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti dan
mengandungi wakil-wakil daripada BSKL dan MESDAQ dibentuk
bagi memastikan bahawa urusan itu adalah sejajar dengan
syor-syor CMP untuk menubuhkan sebuah bursa Malaysia tunggal
melalui penyatuan kesemua bursa sedia ada menjelang 2002.
Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Sekuriti, Datuk Ali Abdul Kadir berkata
penyatuan itu telah meluaskan keupayaan pembangunan pasaran
bagi kedua-dua bursa itu dan adalah satu langkah penting ke arah
pewujudan sebuah bursa Malaysia tunggal seperti ditetapkan di
dalam CMP. "Berikutan penyatuan ini, Suruhanjaya Sekuriti amat mengharapkan
kedua-dua BSKL dan MESDAQ memastikan pasaran bagi
pertumbuhan tinggi dan syarikat-syarikat berasaskan teknologi
bukan sahaja dikekalkan, tetapi dimajukan sepenuhnya.
"Ini akan menyumbang untuk menjadikan pasaran modal negara
lebih kompetitif dan lebih menarik," katanya.
Penyatuan antara BSKL dan MESDAQ adalah tertakluk kepada
kelulusan daripada anggota-anggota BSKL, Jawatankuasa
Pelaburan Asing dan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti.
Sehingga penyatuan itu diselesaikan dan dilaksanakan, kedua-dua
bursa akan terus beroperasi seperti biasa, dengan MESDAQ terus
menerima permohonan penyenaraian. |