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SYDNet: Getting To The Roots Of Malaysian - Afghani Relations By Gary Knight 3/1/2002 12:16 am Thu |
Getting To The Roots Of Malaysian - Afghani Relations
By Gary Knight For Australians to fully understand the complexities behind the
people-smuggling rackets of Afghani and Iraqi people which
commence from the minute they hit KLIA in Kuala Lumpur, I have gone
to the journalistic experts in KL to source some views.
While writing this story I was genuinely pleased by an interview I
heard on ABC where Alexander Downer said the Government was
planning to use whatever it could to request that countries such as
Indonesia make moves to stem the people smuggling rackets.
They are finally on the right track - and although it will not be an easy
road to hoe, I am pleased that they are starting to attack the problem
and not the victims. I have written this story to give people an insight into why Malaysia is
the source of nearly all of the people smuggling rackets in this region
- and Australia has to use whatever pressure it can to bring about an
attempt by Malaysian authorities to stem the flow of illegal immigrants
from their shores. Many Australians who watch or listen to the ABC would already have
heard of rebel journalist M.G.G. Pillai or "MGG" as everyone in
Malaysia knows him as, and I have another two journalistic contacts
in Malaysia whose names I will not mention as they are in far more
vulnerable positions than MGG.
MGG is already banned from Singapore, has been sued for libel by
Mahathir cronies and his opinions on Malaysian political life are
valued internationally and are formed with a deep understanding of
both the issues and the people involved in them.
I don't always agree with MGG and we have sat in Brickfields (the
Indian quarter in KL) and disagreed over our Rogan Josh and naan
bread. All of my colleagues in Malaysia agree that the relationship between
Malaysia and Afghanistan is strained mainly due to the fact that
Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Mahaathir actually supports
a rival Muslim group in Aghanistan to the ruling Taliban.
Only recently Mahathir has been trying to rout out student members of
the Kesatuan Mujahideen Malaysia (KMM), which has recently
changed it's name to Kesatuan Militant Malaysia. This group of
Muslims favour the imposition of a Talib-style system of law in
Malaysia. He made much to do in the Malaysian press about the
dangers this group posed to security and rule of law in Malaysia.
Mahathir himself prefers to support the Ahmad Shah Masood faction in
Afghanistan - and the embassy in Kuala Lumpur also represents that
faction, therefore making it clear to the Taliban that the Malaysian
Government does not recognise its legitimacy.
This also makes it abundantly clear to all Afghanis who are threatened
by the Taliban or oppose them, that Malaysia is a very "safe" first port
of call in their journey to another life.
Ahmad Mahsood's "foreign minister" was in Malaysia only recently
and he was given the red carpet treatment by the Government - and
no mention was made of the fact that he is in fact a member of a rival
mujahideen ensconced in the Pansheer Valley and at war with the
Taliban. MGG reported that there has been an "unusual number of Afghans"
flying into Malaysia first class and staying in KL's large array of five
star hotels. He says this is strange because Mahathir has been declaring in
recent times that the Taliban and the KMM in Malaysia have been
formenting trouble in Malaysia - yet the Afghanis continue to arrive in
KL unchecked and unhindered. MGG raised the question of why the practice is allowed to continue if
that is the case and they are in fact coming to Malaysia to join or
instruct the KMM. He accuses the Mahathir Government of having no policy on
Afghanistan or the steady flow of Afghanis into Malaysia. Prior to Mahathir supporting Mahsood's faction Malaysia, via the
actions of now-detained Anwar Ibrahim, the former Education Minister
and Deputy Prime Minister, the Government had thrown it's weight
behind the mujahideen forces of Gulbudeen Hikmateyar.
He also had an official visit to Kuala Lumpur and was paraded as a
representative of the Afghani Government before his forces were
expelled from Kabul by the Taliban. When Gulbudeen and his Pathan (the superior tribe in Afghanistan)
forces combined with others to cause the Soviet Union severe
international embarrassment by continually out-manouevering the
Soviet armed forces, Malaysia sent troops and mercenaries to fight
alongside the Pathan forces. Nearly all of these Malaysians were drawn from the ranks of the KMM.
Those who know say there is little chance that the forces of Mahsood
can ever oust the Taliban and as they are non-Pathans many believe
this only makes their task harder. Neighbouring countries such as
Pakistan and India would see a Mahsood victory as a danger and an
inspiration to "lower - castes" and they would much rather deal with
the Taliban rather than the lower ranked forces of Mahsood.
Even the Durand Line that marks the borders between Pakistan and
Afghanistan is dubious and there are homes built along the imaginary
line that have their living room in one country and their bedrooms in
another. This makes for easy exit for many Pathans and refugees from
Afghanistan to Jalozai and then to points beyond.
Many Australians think that all the exits from Afghanistan are made via
the Khyber Pass and this is clearly not the case.
Malaysia is using Afghani problems as a political football as Mahathir
is very determined to keep down the threat posed to his Government
by the Islamic Party PAS, and is also looking to be seen as receptive
towards Muslims from other countries that are in dire trouble.
That is one way of diminishing the groundswell of support for PAS and
to a lesser extent the Kaedilan Party which is headed by Ibrahim's
wife Wan Aziza - with very strong Muslim roots.
For Australia the situation is disastrous. The Afghanis will continue to
fly into KL - they will continue to be helped by the Malaysian military
and law enforcement agencies and the smugglers will continue to
collect the cash. Mahathir is not likely to "turn the tap off" and ebb the flow of Afghanis
into Malaysia. He would fear being seen as not willing to help the Muslims who are
in trouble and people such as Dato Fadzil Noor (the leader of PAS)
and Aziza would immediately jump on any attempt to ebb the flow - to
use to their advantage in order to corner the significant Muslim vote.
Therefore Mahathir is caught between a rock and a hard place. For the last three years the ruling UMNO Party of Mahathir's has been
"on the nose" with the electorate in Malaysia.
The general population has been embittered by the continual financial
failures by Mahathir's favourited supporters.
The recent uprising from the judiciary in attempting to provide
judgements from the bench that are correct at law and free from
political interference, has also caused a great deal of consternation
within the Malaysian public - aimed at the Government for it's
meddling with the courts. Even if Alexander Downer, Peter Reith and Philip Ruddock, the three
Government ministers currently in Indonesia, are able to extract any
sort of agreement out of the Sukarno-Putri Government, it will do little
unless they continue their journey. They must sit at a table with Rafidah Aziz, Rais Yathim, Daim Zainuddin and other Mahaathir Ministers to extract similar agreements out of Malaysia. |