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TAG SP 538: Pravda: Mainan Orang Minyak By Andrey Cherkasov 27/12/2001 12:10 am Thu |
Pravda.Ru Mainan Orang Minyak (The Game People Play With Oil) Oleh: Andrey Cherkasov: Permainan yang melibatkan harga minyak yang menjadi drama
hebat diseluruh dunia sudah memakan masa satu bulan. Nampaknya
permainan ini akan dimenangi oleh mereka yang mengeluarkan
minyak. Di bawah ini ialah sedikit kisah mengenai perkara ini.
Harga minyak mentah (krud) telah menurun secara mendadak di
pasaran saham Amerika dan Eropah sejak November. Harga
merudum di bawah $15 setong (per barrel). Ada banyak penyebab
kejatuhan harga itu.tetapi pihak media massa negara demokrasi
'yang dikatakan boeh dipercayai itu' telah menyebut hanya dua
faktor sebagai penyebabnya: (a) keadaan kurang stabil diTimur
Tengah dan (b) operasi anti pengganas di Afghanistan yang
diusahakan oleh Amerika. Memang sukar mempercayai saranan ini
kerana alasan itu seharusnya mencetuskan kenaikan harga minyak.
Apabila minyak berkurangan tentulah harganya naik mencanak.
Negara OPEC menyelesaikan masalah begini dengan meminta
jsabaik negara pengeluar yang lain (bukan anggota OPEC) agar
mengurangkan pengeluaran mereka. Cadangan ini tidak disetujui
oleh kerajaan Russia. Perdana menteri Michael Kaasyanov
mendakwa bahawa perbelanjaan negara tidak akan terjejas
seandainya satu tong minyak krud beharga cuma sepuluh dollar.
Sekali lagi sukar memahami logik pendapat itu. Dari manakah Russia
mahu mencekau wang seandainya keseluruhan perbelanjaan
negara bergantung pada pengekspotan minyak.
Nampaknya matlamat utama kerajaan Ksayanov ialah mengeluarkan
minyak untuk dihantar ke Eropah, sambil menanggung kerugian.
Negara OPEC juga sedar, ketika mereka mengugut Russia dengan
meningkatkan pengeluaran minyak mereka, bererti harga minyak
berkemungkinan jatuh kurang dari sepuluh dollar setong. Ini akan
menghancurkan ekonomi Russia yang amat bergantung kepada
industri petrodollar. Pertelagahan itu berjalan selama satu bulan. Akhirnya, timbalan
perdana menteri Russia Aleyksey Kudrin, mengumumkan rencana
Russia untuk mengurangkan pengekspotan minyak mentah ke
pasaran dunia sebanyak 50,000 tong setiap hari.Tetapi,harga
minyak semakin menggelonsor setiap hari. Ini menyebabkan satu
kumpulan peniaga minyak yang dihormati di Russia yang diketuai
oleh presiden LUKOIL, Vagyt Alekperov, bertemu dengan Presiden
Putin. Selepas pertemuanitu mereka berbincang pula dengan
Perdana Menteri Kasyanov. Kemudian kerajaan Russia
mengumumkan bahawa pengekspotan minyak dikurang sebanyak
150,000 tong setiap hari mulai Janurai hingga Mach 2002. Dengan
pantas ini menyebabkan harga minyak naik mencanak sehingga
melepas duapuluh dollar setong. Negara OPEC mengalu-alukan
tindakan itu, sambil memperakukan kekuatan mereka untuk
mengawal harga minyak. Mereka sudah merancang untuk
mengurangkan pengeluaran mereka sehingga 150,000 tong
setiaphari. Jabatan akhbar kerajaan telah mengeluarkan kenyataan mereka
mengenai perkara ini. Russia bersedia berdialog bukan sahaja
dengan OPEC tetapi dengan pembeli utama minyak. Mereka
bersedia mengurangkan lagi keluaran minyak mereka, bergantung
kepada keadaan pasaran minyak mentah.
Inilah kisahnya. Sebab utama harga minyak menurun adalah
wujudnya krisis ekonomi di Eropah Barat dan Amerika. Bukannya
kisah Amerika meraba Afghanistan untuk menghambat Osama bin
Laden, seperti yang mereka mahu kita percaya. Budak kecil pun
tahu, semua kelengakapan tentera menggunakan lebih banyak
minyak ketika berperang, berbanding waktu damai. Dengan itu
operasi Amerika di Afghanistan boleh menaikkan lagi harga minyak
dan bukan membuatkan harga turun. Demikianlah, apabila taikun petrolium Russia, meyakinkan kerajaan
dan peresiden mereka agar tidak mendesak terhadap mengurangkan
pengeluaran Russia, tetapi membincangkan pengurangan
pengekspotan mereka. Inilah satu keputusan yang baik. Untuk
mengurangkan pengeluaran sebanyak 150,000 tong sehari dimusim
sejuk ini mempunyai risiko bekalan minyak di Russia. Ini bermakna
kita perlu memikirkan kepentingan sendiri dulu dalam pasaran dan
bukan memikirkan untuk mempercayainya segala perkara yang
disoggokkan oleh Amerika. Diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggeris oleh Dmitry Sudakov.
Tamat Terjemahan: SPAR Asal: 8:42 2001-12-11 ANDREY CHERKASOV: THE GAME PEOPLE PLAY WITH OIL
The dramatic games around the world price of oil have been lasting
for a month already, and it seems that they will be won by those who
produce oil. Here is a short background of the situation.
The price of crude dropped suddenly on the stock exchanges of
America and Europe in the beginning of November: the price fell
below $15 per barrel. There were several reasons to explain the
drop, but our ?most trustworthy and democratic mass media? named
the only two: the instability in the Middle East and the anti-terrorist
operation of the USA in Afghanistan. It is impossible to believe this
assertion, for these reasons should explain an increase in the price
of oil. If there is less oil, then it should cost more. The OPEC
countries addressed other oil-producing states with a request to
decrease the volume of oil extraction. This suggestion, however,
was not approved of by the Russian government. Premier Mikhail
Kasyanov claimed that the country?s budget would not be touched
even if one barrel of oil cost only ten dollars. It is hard to understand
his logic here. Where was the Russian budget going to get the
money from if the budget was presumably based on the export of oil.
It looks like the only objective for Kasyanov?s government was to
deliver oil to the West, at any price, ignoring Russia?s losses. The
OPEC countries also realize this very well, as they are threatening
Russia with a rise in the extraction of their own oil, which implies the
reduction of the oil price down to the level of ten dollars per barrel.
This would mean the collapse of the entire Russian economy, which
is relying on the petrodollar. This struggle lasted for a month. Finally, the Russian vice-premier of
the Russian government, Aleksey Kudrin, stated that Russia was
decreasing its export of crude export to the world market by 50
thousand barrels a day. However, the world price on oil was still
decreasing down. Therefore, a group of our most respectable
petroleum tycoons, LUKOIL?s president Vagyt Alekperov first and
foremost, had a meeting with President Putin. After the meeting with
the president, they had a meeting with Premier Kasyanov, and the
Russian government announced that Russia's export would be cut
by 150 thousand barrels a day during the period January to March
of the year 2002. The oil price jumped up to the level of $20 per
barrel immediately after that announcement. OPEC countries
welcomed the decision, having confirmed their might in the
stabilization of the prices: they were going to reduce their oil
extraction by 1.5 million barrels daily.
The governmental press departments released their statements and
comments on the score, saying Russia would work in the form of a
dialogue not only with the OPEC countries, but also with the leading
purchasers of oil. It was also added that the further reduction of the
Russian export was also possible too, depending on the situation on
the world crude market. This is what it is all about. The main reason of the oil price reduction
is the economic crisis in Western Europe and America, not a chase
after Bin Laden, as they tried to convince us before. Even a child
can understand that military hardware uses much more oil during
war than during the time of peace and that the Afghani operation
could only raise the oil price, but never reduce it.
Thus, the Russian petroleum tycoons convinced both the
government and the president not to insist on the reduction of the
Russian extraction, but to talk about the reduction of the export. This
was a wise decision to make. To cut the oil extraction by 150
thousand barrels a day during the winter time has a very big risk of
creating a fuel-supply problem in Russia. Well, it has been proven
again that you must think of yourself on the market and not about the
things that America tells you. Andrey Cherkasov PRAVDA.Ru Translated by Dmitry Sudakov