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TAG SP 533: CBS: Tiga Bulan Selepas September 11 By Joel Roberts 25/12/2001 8:50 pm Tue |
CBS (America Remembers) Oleh; Joel Roberts Tiga bulan sudah berlalu, selepas serangan ngeri di Pusat Dagang
Dunia. Hampir setengah timbunan runtuhan yang dianggar 600,00
tan berupa keluli, batu-batan dan debu, telah pun dipindahkan
daripada Lower Manhattan. Usha mencari mayat dan serpihan
badan yang mungkin ada masih diteruskan tanpa henti, seperti
kelakuan seluruh negara yang masih mencari jawapannya.
Di New York City, para petugas bomba, dan pekerja binaan
berhentikan kerja dan segala alat jentera mereka SPAN
style="mso-spacerun: yes"> untuk menghormati satu majlis
bertafakur pada 8.48 pagi. Majlis itu dimulakan dengan nyanyian 'Let
there be peace on Earth' oleh William Michael. Kemudian diikuti
dengan upacara keagamaan oleh ketua agama Kristian, Muslim dan
Yahudi. Upacara yang sama sudah dirancang di lebih 70 negara, menjelajah
sehingga stesen angkasa antarabangsa, di mana angkasawan
Russia dan Amerika akan begabung memberi penghormatan
mereka. Sebalik ulangan-tayang mengingatkan peristiwa ngeri itu, terdapat
banyak kemajuan untuk dilapurkan mengenai peperangan membasmi
keganasan yang berjalan sejak tiga bulan yang lalu. (catatan: tengok
orangputih menipu, serangan keatas Afghanistan hanya bermula
pada 7 Oktober, dan dia kata perang sudah masuk tiga bulan. Inilah
yang mesti difahami oleh orang Melayu jangan mudah tertipu selalu,
semacam ditipu oleh seorang diktator tua!!!!)
Puak Taliban telah dinafikan kuasa mereka di Afghanistan dalam
masa lapan minggu selepas Presiden Bush melancarkan serangan
udara yang pertama. Walaupun satu kerajaan baru Afghan ebrsiap
sedia untuk mengambil alih kuasa tidak pula diketahui di mana
perginya musuh utama Amerika yang paling dikehendakki - Mullah
Omar dan Osama bin Laden. Minggu yang berlalu sudah merakamkan kemalangan yang
membabitkan kematian pertama (hik.hik.hik... yang lain siapa? -
Russia?) seorang pegawai CIA yang mati di penjara
Mazar-e-Sharif dan tiga orang komando disebabkan tembakan
pihak kawan berdekatan Kandahar. Begitu juga dengan satu kisah
anih membabitkan seorang anak muda kelas atasan California yang
tertangkap berjuang bersama puak Taliban.
Kalau ada pun berita baik yang muncul daripada NewYork, berita itu
adalah mengenai angka kematian yang menurun begitu drastik
daripada anggaran 6,000 kini menjadi& bsp; hampir 3,000.
Kini, bandaraya itu teruskan hidupnya dengan kemunculan satu
datuk bandar yang baru, Mike Bloomberg yang akan menggantikan
Rudi Gulliani. Begitu juga dengan ancaman anthrax yang nampaknya semakin
berkurangan tanpa sebarang serangan baru selepas kematian
seorang wanita berusaia 94 tahun di Connecticut yang tersentuh
bakteria yang be bahaya. Setakat ini belum diketahui saya yang
merencana serangan itu dan mana datangnya spora anthrax dan
bagaimana cara sebeanar ia merebak. Lima orang sudah mati disebabkan serangan anthrax dan 13 orang
telah dijangkiti di Amerika Syarikat (kebanyakannya orang kulit
hitam dan Hispanik - penterjemah), sejak surat pertama
mengandungi anthrax didedahkan pada bulan Oktober. Dewan
Capital Hill masih ditutup sejak sepucuk surat mengandungi racun
itu diterma dan pegawai Federal Reserve di Washington , tempat
yang paling terbaru menerima surat itu, masih meneruskan
pencarian mereka. Selama tiga bulan, Kongres telah menangani serangan pengganas
dengan beberapa perundangan baru di Amerika, termasuk
peningkaan kawalan keselamatan di lapangan terbang dan pesawat
udara. Yang masih tertanggung disebabkan perdebatan yang
berpuak-puak, ialah satu cadangan pekej pemulihan ekonomi yang
semakin tenat dan mencungap sejak September 11, dan
menyhebabkan ekonomi negara merudum seja itu.
Sementara itu Bush sudah bertindak menyekat penyaluran bantuan
kepaa pertubuhan yang dikataknnya menyokong aktiviti keganasan
(termasuk pertubuhan amal islam yang menerima bayaran zakat di
Amerika, bodohnya presiden haprak!!!), Dia juga menandatangai satu
undang-undang membenarkan penubuhan mahkamah tentera
mengadili merka yang disyakki pengganas.
Tiga bulan selepas September 11, Amerika memasukki ambang
percutian sambil mengawasi kemungkinan munculnya serangan
baru. Tamat. Asal America Remembers Terrorist Attack On U.S. Took Place Three
Months Ago By's Joel Roberts NEW YORK, Dec. 11, 2001 (CBS) Three months after the suicide
hijacker attacks on the World Trade Center, about half the debris,
some 600,000 tons of steel, dirt and rubble, has been removed from
the lower Manhattan site. But the search for bodies and remains
continues nonstop, as does the nation's search for answers.
President Bush led a worldwide observance of the three-month
anniversary of the attacks on America at the White House playing
the national anthem at 8:46 a.m. EST, the precise moment the first
airliner crashed into the first trade center tower on September 11.
"Every death extinguished a world," Mr. Bush said after the Star
Spangled Banner played in the East Room of the White House. "It's
a memory of shock and loss and mourning."
Solicitor General Ted Olson, whose wife, Barbara, died in the
hijacked plane that crashed into the Pentagon, spoke at a Justice
Department ceremony. "We will never forg t our loved ones who died or who were wounded
on Sept. 11," he said somberly. "We will fight this evil for as long
and as patiently as it takes. We will prevail. We will comfort and care
for those who have suffered. We will not forget."
At the Pentagon, where a hijacked plane struck an hour after the
New York crashes, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld led a
memorial ceremony. The terrorists want to extinguish the memory of those who died in the
attack, he said. "We will remember ... until freedom triumphs over
fear, over repression and long beyond."
In New York City, firefighters and construction workers stopped work
and shut down their heavy machinery to observe a moment of
silence at 8:46 a.m. at ground zero. The program began with Broadway performer William Michael
singing "Let There Be Peace on Earth." As a light drizzle fell,
prayers were offered by Christian, Muslim and Jewish clergy.
Similar events were planned in more than 70 countries, extending as
far as he orbiting International Space Station, where U.S. and
Russian astronauts will pay their respects.
Along with the grim recounting of that terrible day's events, there is
notable progress to report in the war on terrorism in the past three
months. The Taliban have been swept from power in Afghanistan just eight
weeks after President Bush launched the first U.S. air strikes. But
even as a new Afghan government prepares to take control of the
country, the whereabouts of America's most wante criminals, Taliban
leader Mullah Omar and terrorist kingpin Osama bin Laden, remain
unknown. Recent weeks have also seen the first U.S. combat casualties - a
CIA officer killed in a prison uprising at Mazar-e-Sharif and three
Green Berets killed by an errant U.S. bomb near Kandahar - as wel
as the strange case of a young, upper-middle-class California man
captured fighting alongside the Taliban.
If there's some good news in New York, it's that the number of dead
has dropped sharply from earlier estimates of as much as 6,000
down to the present figure of closer to 3,000.
And the city is going about its business, with a new mayor, Mike
Bloomberg, waiting in the wings to take on the daunting role of
replacing Rudy Giuliani in leading New York's recovery.
As well, the a thrax scare appears to have abated, with no new
confirmed cases in the three weeks since a 94-year-old
Connecticut woman died from contact with the bacteria. But
authorities still claim to have few ideas about who is behind the
anthrax-by-mail attacks, where the anthrax spores came from, or
exactly how they spread. Five people have died from anthrax and 13 have been infected in
the United States since the first anthrax letters were found in
October. A Capitol Hill office building where a tainted etter was
received remains closed and officials at the Federal Reserve in
Washington, the site of the most recent positive discovery, continue
to search for the source of the contamination.
In the past three months, Congress has responded to the terrorist
threat by passing legislation to grant police expanded powers to
track down terrorists, drawing the ire of some civil rights groups. It
has also approved a plan to upgrade security for airports and
airlines. Still unsettled and bogged down in pa tisan bickering is a
stimulus package to revive the nation's economy, already struggling
before September 11 and sent into a full-blown recession in the
months since then. President Bush, meanwhile, has taken steps to choke off financial
support for terrorist organizations, signing an executive order
freezing U.S. assets of dozens of groups and individuals with
suspected terrorist links. He also signed a controversial order to
allow the prosecution of suspected terrorists before military tribunal .
On the diplomatic front, the president, who continues to enjoy
remarkably high approval ratings, has met with a wide spectrum of
world leaders, and won at least tacit support for the U.S.
anti-terrorism efforts from most, including his new best buddy,
Russian President Vladimir Putin. Three months after September 11, America enters the holiday season on high alert for more terrorist attacks - an alert that federal officials say should continue at least through the end of the Islamic hol month of Ramadan, which ends in mid-December. |