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KB: Kejatuhan Kabul Tidak Menggembirakan Sesiapa By Kapal Berita 14/11/2001 2:44 pm Wed |
Ramai merasa hairan kenapa Taleban berundur secara tiba-tiba dari
bandar Kabul yang sudah dijahanamkan oleh bom Amerika. Pihak Pakatan
Utara dinasihatkan oleh Amerika dan Pakistan agar tidak menyentuh bandar
itu tetapi mereka sudah tidak sabar dan merempuhnya juga. Ini menyebabkan
Pakistan menjadi resah tidak terhingga kerana itu bukan formula yang
diingininya. Pakatan Utara kini sudahpun menakluk Kabul tetapi ia tidak
menggembirakan sesiapa yang tahu perangainya sejak dulu. Hidup rakyat
Afghanistan akan ditawan oleh syaitan yang bertopengkan manusia yang
tentunya akan membawa lebih celaka kerana Islam tidak akan terpelihara
dan Amerika akan menjadi raja. Undang-undang dan cara hidup Islam sudah
pasti akan dihumban serta dikoyak-koyakkan. Yang terbunuh di Afghanistan
ialah Islam. Kita mungkin tidak menyukai sesuatu sedangkan ia baik untuk kita.
Dan kita mungkin menyukai sesuatu sedangkan ia buruk buat kita.
Tidak ada ubat yang lebih baik selain Islam. Ia mungkin pahit untuk
ditelan tetapi ia akan menyembuh segala penyakit yang berselirat dalam
masyarakat sehingga musuh Islam sendiri pun tergamam.
Taliban mungkin tidak berapa betul mengikut pendapat sesetengah orang
tetapi kita perlu memilih yang terbetul (hampir betul) jika kita
betul-betul seorang yang berugama Islam. Dan kita tidak sepatutnya
cuba membetulkan sedikit yang tidak betul itu dengan membenci terus
dan berperang. Saya fikir cukuplah itu dulu untuk membuka tirai. Kempen membenci
sudah lama dilakukan terhadap Taliban dan ia sengaja dibesar-besarkan
oleh pihak tertentu yang geram. Saya ingin memetik beberapa tajuk
berita dan fakta penting dari beberapa agensi berita seluruh dunia
mengenai kejatuhan Kabul. AFP reports that a U.S. warplane bombed the Kabul office of Al-Jazeera.
More from the AP and TimesUK.
The Northern Alliance celebrates its victories by executing P.O.W.s,
seizing aid trucks and massacring students. Brutal killings everywhere.
The killings here suggested that alliance soldiers might prove
difficult to control as their victories build. - NYT
Robert Fisk writes that the West should not be surprised by the atrocity reports.
AP reports Kabul Residents Fear North Alliance
An Afghan woman remembers their entry into Kabul in 1992: "Are these rapists any
better than the hard-liners they replace?"
Why the Taleban retreat? A Fallback Strategy - where the same tactics helped
the Afghan mujahideen end 10 years of Soviet occupation in 1989.
'War in Afghanistan is not fought in cities and towns. The decisive
war is fought in the mountains and caves and they are under our
control. Infact, it might be tougher to root out the Taliban as a
guerilla force than as a government,' - analyst
Mirror reports Pakistan anger at City Fall
Kabul falls to Northern Alliance:
The BBC's Rageh Omaar in Kabul: "Kabul has fallen: but difficult questions remain"
As looting broke out in the city some Arab volunteers
serving with the Taleban were summarily shot and a BBC
camera crew was attacked. 'No more retreat' Taleban troops told
The leader of the Taleban, Mullah Mohammad Omar, has
ordered his troops to stand and fight following the fall of the
Afghan capital Kabul, it is reported.
According to the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) news agency,
Mullah Omar told his troops: "I order you to obey your
commanders completely. Do not move here and there ...
regroup yourselves. "Put up resistance and fight," he said.
The Taleban leader dismissed reports that he had fled to
Pakistan as untrue. The BBC defence correspondent, Jonathan Marcus, says it is
not clear if the Taleban have actually collapsed as a fighting
force or whether they are still capable of mounting a
determined defence of Kandahar and the south.
The United States has no obvious allies in southern
Afghanistan equivalent to the Northern Alliance.
Moreover, our correspondent says the Northern Alliance may
be unwilling to press on into largely Pashtun territory.
Mullah Omar flees to Pakistan: Afghan Opp
Taliban spiritual leader Mullah Mohammad Omar has fled
Afghanistan for Pakistan, RIA Novosti quoted a senior
Northern Alliance official as saying Tuesday in
neighbouring Tajikistan. However, the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) reported from
Islamabad that Mullah Mohammad Omar on Tuesday ordered
his troops to stand and fight after opposition forces marched
into Kabul, "I order you to obey your commanders completely. Do not
move here and there ... Regroup yourselves. Put up resistance
and fight," the Taliban's spiritual leader said in a radio address
from his base in Kandahar about 4:30pm (1200 GMT).
AIP said Omar assured his followers in the address on Taliban
wireless frequencies that he was still in his southern stronghold
despite reports he had fled. "Do not listen to the propaganda by opposition media. I am in
Kandahar and have not gone anywhere. This is a fight for
Islam," he said. US plane bombs Kabul, al-Jazeera offfice targeted
KABUL: A US warplane dropped at least two bombs on the
Afghan capital Kabul in the early hours of Tuesday morning,
sparking a large fire in the southeast of the city, residents said.
One of the buildings targeted was the office of the
Qatari-based satellite television channel, Al-Jazeera, which
has broadcast video-taped messages from alleged terrorist
Osama bin Laden and his deputies since the September 11
atrocities in New York and Washington.
Missile Destroys Al-jazeera Office
Wednesday November 14, 2001 2:30 AM KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - An office of the Arab channel
Al-Jazeera, which has been criticized by the United States for
its coverage of the Afghan conflict, was hit early Tuesday
during an air raid. The United States said it targeted the
al-Qaida network and didn't know the television channel was
located there. No one was in the two-story building housing the office when
it was hit before dawn, as columns of Taliban soldiers poured
south out of the capital, said Ghulal Mohammed, a guard at the
office in Kabul's Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood.
``It was a rocket, but everyone is OK,'' he said. He said the
missile did not explode. But an American official said two 500-pound bombs were
dropped on the site, which the U.S. military believed was an
office of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network.
The building was ``a known al-Qaida facility in central Kabul,''
said Col. Rick Thomas, a spokesman for the U.S. Central
Command. ``We had no indications this or any nearby facility was used by
al-Jazeera,'' Thomas said. ``We had identified two locations in
Kabul where al-Jazeera people worked, and this location
wasn't among them.'' Al-Jazeera's managing director, Mohammed Jassim al-Ali,
said the office was hit before dawn and that nobody was there
at the time. He said its 10 staffers were believed to be safe but
their whereabouts were unknown. Asked if he thought Al-Jazeera's office was deliberately
targeted, al-Ali said: ``They know where we are located and
they know what we have in our office and we also did not get
any warning.'' American officials have criticized Al-Jazeera's coverage of
the bombing campaign as inflammatory propaganda.
But the 24-hour station reaches more than 35 million Arabs, including 150,000 in the United States, and the Bush administration has acknowledged its significance lately. |