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LizM: The American Empire On Its Deathbed By Liz Michael 9/11/2001 4:24 pm Fri |
by Liz Michael Released November 5, 2001 for immediate release
There is a conspiracy theory, which has made the rounds in many
circles for many years, that there are forces within the US
government that are engineering events such as the 9-11 incident,
the Oklahoma City bombing, and so forth, to implement fhis great
"Master Plan" to implement a totalitarian government. This
government is part and parcel of a much larger effort by the New
World Order, the United Nations, the Illuminati, the Queen of
England in league with the Vatican, the multinational corporations,
or whomever the scapegoat of the day or the movement, is. Most of
the conspiracy theorists present this as if it is a fait accompli which
cannot be undone. For all intents and purposes, these people
WORSHIP this coming leviathan which they see as unconquerable.
The truth may actually prove a lot more discomfiting for a lot more
people when it materializes. The truth is that the American government is in near collapse. The
truth is that the recent attacks on the United States are NOT the
result of the Bush family conspiring with the Clintons and other
state liberals to coalesce power. The truth is likely that outside
powers, far from trying to CREATE a totalitarian USA, are trying to
remove the USA from its current position as world military and
economic superpower, and would attempt to DESTROY any
totalitarian USA, just like the Soviet Union collapsed and Nazi
Germany was disassembled. The powers that be have lost control
All the various moves you are seeing now are not the moves of
someone "in control". They are the moves of a group of people that
have suddenly discovered they have lost control. And are
desperately trying to get it back. Totalitarians in control wouldn't be intimidated by a little anthrax
spread around Washington DC. Totalitarians would stand and fight.
The Congress did not stand and fight. They RAN, and they ran like
scalded dogs. The rest of the government also ran. These are the
actions, not of people in control of a master plan, but of people in
panic: people who have suddenly discovered they DON'T control
what's going on. Is the CIA having been hit with anthrax a sign of control? Let me
repeat this: the terrorizers of the U.S. government HIT the Central
Intelligence Agency. This is the agency that is supposed to know
about these things before they happen. This is also the agency that
was told by several sources that the 9-11 event was imminent, but
either ignored the threat, or could not react to it in time. Do you
REALLY THINK they LET themselves be hit?
Gray Davis, in an incredible moment of grandstanding,
demonstrated more of this lack of control, by announcing a terrorist
threat....but not quite a verified one. Just a rumor. Something even
the FBI is now disavowing. So now we have all the king's men
scrambling around trying to catch...they have no idea what...trying
to stop.....they have no idea who. In other words, they are stumped.
They're snookered. They're outsmarted.
A Sacramento journalist was taken into custody by police at Los
Angeles International Airport and was forced to destroy photos he
had been taking by an over-zealous National Guardsman.
Totalitarians are not usually afraid to have their pictures taken.
Recently, a key member of the Green Party was denied entry onto
an aircraft, because she was a member of the Green Party
attending a peace conference. They have tried to blame the
anthrax incidents on everyone from Al-Qaeda, to Iraq, to racist
domestic militias, to libertarian militias, to pagans: and its only a
matter of time before they try and blame it on leftist activists,
unions, and the religious right, or as Clinton did with the Murrah
Building bombing, "right wing radical talk show hosts".
These people are not only afraid of foreign terrorists. These people
are afraid of you and me. They are afraid of the press. They are
afraid of the political activists. They are afraid of the pacifists. They
are afraid of their own shadows. They are not in control of
anything. When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping?
Now, this "War On Terror" could have gone a different way. After
September 11th, there could have been a call for the militia, which
is the whole people, and not a handful of backwoods rednecks as
is the romantic ideal (not that there's anything WRONG with being a
backwoods redneck), a call for the whole people to be on alert, to
become armed, to learn self-defense and battle techniques, and to
train to do things like protect the bridges, the nuclear plants, the
borders, the planes. That did not happen. We could have been told
to prepare shelters against nuclear or biological attack. We could
have been told to stock up on supplies, on first aid kits, and train in
CPR and medical rescue techniques. To buy guns. To shore up our
vehicles for potential emergency use or flight.
Instead, what did Rudy Giuliani ask us to do to save New York?
What did George W. Bush ask us to do to save the country.
They asked us to shop. Rudy asked us to "come see a Broadway show" even though we
couldn't drive into the city without a second passenger, and had to
go through roadblocks and search points more dense than those at
the Mexican border. The President asked us to fly in planes that he does not fly in,
because they are not safe enough for him to do so. Instead of
asking us to save, invest, stock up on supplies, he wants us to
continue engaging in pointless consumption and satisfying our
vanities. Excuse me, Mr. President, but didn't you just say we're at
WAR? Didn't you just appoint a new office of Homeland Security
because you knew we were going to be under imminent attack by
Al-Qaeda agents in our own country? Yet we're supposed to go
on as if 9-11 never happened? We're supposed to go shopping?
Wartime is a time when a little austerity is in order. The only people
during war who would spend like there's no tomorrow are people
who expect to die soon. If the American economy is dependent on
such frivolous spending, then it basically is already screwed.
Anti-terrorism bills the death warrant of America as a world power
The Congress of the United States issued a series of bills in an
attempt to regain control, the most threatening of which is the one
using the acronym of the PATRIOT Act. The legislation is some of
the most liberty-infringing legislation that has been passed in many
a decade. President George W. Bush dutifully signed them all
without so much as a whimper: in fact, he was glad to do so. At that
point, whether he realizes it or not, George W. Bush signed the
death warrant of the American Empire.
It is the death warrant of the American Empire for several reasons.
First of all, it has coalesced a small but important coalition, on the
left, the right and the center, AGAINST the United States
government. And that coalition just happens to be the people who
are most concerned about liberty and freedom. The President and
the Congress has basically just told every person concerned about
liberty and freedom in America, from the ACLU activist and the
WTO-NAFTA protester, to the religious conservative and the
libertarian free marketer, to go to hell. In other words, they
essentially told the real American patriots that they can bug off.
Liberty and freedom is not important. Security is the prime directive.
Sit down, shut up, wave your flag and do as you are told.
They are living the warning of Benjamin Franklin, that those who
trade liberty for security deserve neither. The tragedy for them is,
that government will be a bigger target than ever now.
The "War On Terror" will be lost
The second reason it is the death warrant to the Empire is that it
ensures a loss in the War on Terror. Insures a loss? Yep. Why?
How? It doesn't matter how well American troops do overseas. It doesn't
matter if they kill Osama bin Laden. It doesn't matter how many
Al-Qaeda agents they destroy abroad. The real measure of the
success or failure of the War on Terror will be to what extent the
American mainland will still be standing after all is said and done.
That brings me to the third reason the American Empire is about to
die. Immigration policy. Out of the hundreds of new policies
implemented in the last few months to ensure the safety of
everyone, the most obvious one that would have actually done
some good would have been to close the borders and revoke the
visas and green cards of everyone having come into this country
from a Muslim country. That one act would have prevented more
terrorists from coming in, and it would have provided a mechanism
for deporting 95% of potential terrorists still in this country.
Instead, we invite Syrians in to take more flying lessons and are
going to grant Taliban-sympathetic Pakistanis carte blanche to
come here and engage terror. Because this third reason has barely been addressed, the agents
who will continue to physically destroy America in future months
and years, as well as kill millions, are already here, and will
continue to be here. Eventually they will perform their task. These
terrorists will eventually devastate the American mainland. They
will do it regardless of how successful we are in prosecuting the
war abroad. In fact, it is entirely possible that the more we punish
Al-Qaeda abroad, the more likely the terrorists here will devastate
us. The American people will never forgive the government and the
agencies that are going to allow this to happen. They are going to
turn on them and destroy whatever is left of them that Al-Qaeda
has not already destroyed by then. Being Democrat or Republican
is not going to matter because both of them let it happen, and both
of them will rightly share the guilt.
FBI shows more evidence of having lost control
Now, occasionally, the king's men have caught some of these
people. For example, the Millennium Bomb plot was foiled. But they
cannot catch them all. Not in time. It took them seventeen years to
catch the last big mail terrorist, the Unabomber, and he was one
guy living in a shack. They got lucky when a no license plate
vehicle turned up Timothy McVeigh: but they still haven't caught
most of McVeigh's coconspirators. They have one thousand
foreigners in jail over the 9-11 incident: the only ones who have
been charged have been charged with extremely Mickey Mouse
stuff like "lying about having met" one of the terrorists, or lying on
an application for something or another. This indicates to me that
law enforcement doesn't have anything approaching a clue on this.
The arrest of a thousand people on nothing is another sign of
desperation, and a sure sign of having lost control: and it is a sign
of tyranny that many of us refuse to tolerate in what is supposed to
be a free country. Governments are not perpetual and eternal. I know to many who
work for government or depend upon government that they seem
so. Many governments and many leaders talk as if they are
everlasting. Hitler talked about a "thousand year Reich" which
ultimately lasted only 12. The government of one of the mightiest
powers of the 20th century, the Soviet Union, failed to survive to
see the 21st. Whether the United States survives as an entity, whether we see it
resurrected under the original intent of the founders, whether we
see a fragmentation into several states and regions, whether we
see a reassertion of former nations such as the Confederate States
of America or the Indian nations, I do not know. But of one thing I
am sure: the Imperial World Superpower of the United States is
finished. It could survive perhaps slightly beyond the Bush
Presidency, but probably not long after that.
I just pray that most of the American people are not killed along
with their government. What can we do? Many of you are violently disagreeing with what I just wrote. Many
others are asking, "well, what then?" If you are not asking it now,
you surely will in the future as more terrorist incidents devastate
America. You have to come to the understand that in its essence, America is
not its government. America is not its flag. America is a concept, a
concept that enshrines liberty and freedom. America is also a
people. There are many things which you can do to preserve the
America that deserves preservation. 1. Make very huge mental adjustments
It doesn't matter what your politics are. It doesn't matter what your
religion is. Whatever they are you need to take them seriously. The
primary enemy.... we have secondary enemies, for certain, and I
will offer suspects, but the primary enemy is Al-Qaeda. Most of
America is centered on the concept of money. It may shock you to
hear this free market capitalist tell you to not obsess over money.
Your enemy carries with him a religious fervor which will cause him
to do many things to ruin you. And while I do not believe Allah
trumps Yaheveh, and do not know if he trumps any other gods or
not, you had better believe that Allah trumps Mammon. In this
environment, if your god is Mammon, you are going to lose You
may very well sell your enemy the rope with which he hangs you.
He did it on 9-11. Most people base their politics on the assumption that the
government will always be here. I submit to you that if you really
care about your issue concerns, you prepare for the day when the
government cannot or will not enforce them. Develop ways of
caring for the environment which DON'T involve enforcement by a
government thug. Develop a safety net which DOESN'T depend on
the government. Develop crime fighting methods that DON'T
depend on the king's men being there to do it for you. Develop
disaster and rescue efforts that assume the government cannot act,
and that you will have to do it yourself. When all hell breaks loose,
not only will FEMA NOT be a tyrannical agency set to take away
all your rights, as is the popular myth circulating in patriot circles -
FEMA will likely not be there AT ALL.
The government will soon NOT be there to help. They likely won't
be there at all. And you had better be ready for that.
2. Civil Defense Become the militia, and organize neighborhood defense forces.
Buy guns. Stock up on food, water, first aid, and survival supplies,
and construct viable shelters. Develop plans for defending vital
services such as hospitals, power plants, water resources, and
food. Develop evacuation plans and have them ready to go at a
moments notice. Determine what your "bug out" territories are.
Learn to fight. Get in shape. Stay healthy and learn about self
medicine, for when the doctors won't be available.
This is the fatal mistake that both George W. Bush and his
Democratic loyal opposition made: they failed to call up and muster
civilian defense. There are cities which are going to be vaporized
because of that fatal mistake. There are environmental resources
that are going to be devastated because of that fatal mistake. You
and your community, however, don't have to follow them all over a
cliff. Don't like guns? Believe in gun control? Get over it. We're at war
and you're a target. In war, soldiers have guns, and you are one,
like it or not. Learn how to defend yourself and your family from
wild animals and thugs or watch them become worm food. You're a
pacifist? Al-Qaeda isn't honoring the wishes of conscientious
objectors today, sorry. 3. Resist the tyranny Many of you will get this one right away. Resist the tyranny. Live
as a free person. You don't have to be told. You easily see that the
only way to make the tyranny ultimately go away is to refuse to
participate in it. Others of you will ask, but wouldn't this be "unpatriotic"?
Have you ever heard of the principle of "tough love". Basically,
sometimes you have to let your children, or your friend, go, and let
them suffer the consequences of their actions, in order to save
them. Because enabling them to continue taking the wrong path will
only in the long run get them, and maybe you, killed. Study any
twelve step program for validation of this.
This is what has to be done with the federal government, and many
of the state and local governments. They are our children. We
created them. But they are errant children. They are children who
have become thugs and terrorists. They're not REALLY the enemy.
But in order to rescue them, we may have to treat them like the
enemy. We may even have to kill them, as per the Toraic
proscription as to excessively errant children. We may have to
shun them, as per the New Testament proscription as to
excessively errant and unrepentant church members.
Resisting the tyranny means many things. It means not paying
taxes. It means trimming your reliance on the state, and upon its
identity documents, as much as you can practically get away with.
It means using jury nullification to disrupt their trials. It means using
every trick you can think of to disrupt their affairs.
Don't talk to the FBI. If you talk to the FBI, it gives them the chance
of prosecuting you because they think you lied to them. So just
don't talk to them. There are a thousand people in federal detention
centers as we speak, NONE of them having been charged with
any crime of any consequence. It can happen to you, too. Don't
talk to them. Tell them to go to hell.
Do you think that is treasonous talk? Well, the greatest President
we ever had, one Thomas Jefferson, said that when the
government fears the people, there is liberty. But when the people
fear the government, there is tyranny. So immediately, I say to you
now. Stop fearing the government. Make them fear you. Make them
mortified to come into your neighborhood, terrified to approach your
door and knock on it, frightened to stop your car and ask for your
license. Remember that these civil liberties violations started with the
government. The plans they have to invade our privacy, take our
property, deprive us of liberty and freedom of travel, were initiated
BY the government, not by freedom lovers. THEY started it. If we
love freedom and liberty, we must fight for it. We must fight ALL
tyranny, whether it comes from Osama bin Laden or Saddam
Hussein, or whether it comes from agents of our own government.
Many of you have varied opinions on George W. Bush, ranging
from the "Antichrist" to the best President we could have at a time
like this. I don't think President Bush is a BAD man. But I do think
he has made a fatal mistake. A mistake which he could undo
tomorrow by executive order: but I don't see it happening. Having
done this, he has failed to do his constitutional duty, and does not
deserve support for his current domestic policy. And don't you dare
gloat, Tom Daschle. Mr. Bush hasn't done anything wrong that you
haven't also done, and nearly every member of Congress,
Democrat and Republican, with you. And definitely, don't say "I told you so", Mr. Gore. Most of our
present dilemma happened because of events set in motion on
your watch and due to your incompetence and your tolerance of a
corrupt administration. 4. Stand for public office Every single freedom loving patriot needs to stand for public office
now. They need to stand in every party: Democrat and Republican,
Libertarian and Green, Reform and Constitutionalist. There are
really just two parties now: Patriots and Traitors. Washington DC,
and most state governments, are "one party" operations and it is
the wrong party. There are no more chances to save the United
States of America by the electoral process. This is the last chance.
If you all don't stand now, there will be no more chances. If you fail
to choose to work with ballots now, you guarantee you will have to
work with bullets later. You may have to anyway: but do you really
want to see an American Civil War? 5. Homeschool your kids I don't say this lightly. The public school systems in most
communities are largely beyond hope. They are not teaching
values. They are teaching sheepery, to go along to get along.
They are literally terrorizing kids and parents alike with "zero
tolerance" tyranny over guns, drugs, t-shirts, and free thought.
Screw them. Whatever your values are, now is the time to teach
them to your children. I can assure you they will not learn them in
public school. They will also not learn "how" to think in public
school, as opposed to what to think. Also, public schools are going to become a very dangerous place.
Osama bin Laden has already told us that he will attack our
children. What better way to attack our children than at school, all
of which have been declared "arms-free zone" enforced by such
zero tolerance tyranny that you cannot even point a finger in a
mock game of cops and robber without suffering persecution. Such
schools have in effect sent an engraved invitation to Al-Qaeda
terrorists which says: HIT ME, OUR KIDS AREN'T PROTECTED BY
ANYONE. The law of the jungle will assert itself here. They will
attack our schools. They will kill our children, just as sure as any
wilderness predator goes after the young, the weak, and the least
defended. You think they won't? Then you must have forgotten that the Ryder
truck of Timothy McVeigh was parked right below a day care
center, which McVeigh knew existed. 6. Reorient your economy The reason this country is in as much economic jeopardy as we
are in is that we have forsaken industrial jobs and sent them
overseas, and we have replaced them with Pizza Hut Delivery and
a lot of service sector jobs. I want to suggest that now is the time for everyone to tighten their
belts. Now is the time to make economic purchasing decisions
based on needs and not on wants. And we should all orient our
economies and our jobs and businesses to things which people are
going to need regardless of the economy. What would those be?
Food. Shelter. Basic clothing. Medical supplies. Basic
transportation. Information. Communications. Energy. Defense.
Waste disposal. Less emphasis should be put on "toys" and more
emphasis on utility: in other words, if you're going to dabble in
toys, make them toys relevant for survival. Also more emphasis
needs to be placed on things which can be recycled and
refurbished, and less on "throw away" stuff.
Moreover, we need to strengthen our mutual survivability by
getting as many of those things locally as we possibly can.
Also, if you are investors, you need to reorient your investments so
that they do two things. Number one, so they are not dependent on
the US dollar, and two, so they are reflective of material and
necessity industries and not pleasure and service industries,
because the material and necessity industries are more likely to
survive both a catastrophic series of events and the collapse of the
dollar. Additionally, get mobile. Mobility may be the key to survival. If
you're into cars, I would suggest classic cars as a hobby. Why? In
the event of a nuclear-generated electro-magnetic pulse (EMP)
wiping out electrical devices in an area, classic cars which use an
older technology may be at a premium, and you may be able to
escape in that old clunker when the new stuff doesn't work any
more. Final thoughts The odds are very great that we are fighting a lot more people than
Al-Qaeda. Very likely, Saddam Hussein is a root cause of this and
future violence. For those of you who believe in Biblical
prophecies, Hussein considers himself a modern day
"Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon". You ought to make yourself
familiar with what is prophesied to be destroyed by
Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, or the
Chaldeans, all which could correspond to modern day Iraq.
Moreover, I also pose a question: who benefits from our
destruction? Who gains from our removal as an economic and
military superpower. Certainly usual suspects like China and
Russia might. Islamic fundamentalism could well spread, with
nuclear weapons falling into the hands of people willing to declare
Jihad against all non-Muslims, surely a dangerous peril to the
world. As well though, the biggest entity to gain from an American
dissolution is the European Union, who would probably be
propelled into the position of "economic savior" of the world
economy, with the Euro, now a useless currency unit, possibly
propelled into worldwide prominence. Some points to cover in case people are mad at me. There is
nothing wrong with waving the flag or displaying it. There is nothing
wrong with writing "God Bless America" and singing patriotic
songs, even in a school. What I am saying is, though, that it is
insufficient. Real patriotism is not emotion. Real patriotism is real
action to protect the homefront. Writing "God Bless America" on
your window is not going to deter an Al-Qaeda attack. Only
preparation and making yourself a "hard target" will dissuade them.
Real patriotism also does not compromise with tyranny. Real
patriotism does not accept the tyranny of the federal government to
fight the tyranny of Al-Qaeda. Real patriotism fights both. As Mr.
Bush stated, freedom itself was attacked. And freedom will be
defended. From all enemies, foreign and domestic. And if the
federal government, or any other government, is found to be
attacking freedom and liberty, for whatever reason, they not only
SHALL be treated just as we would treat Al-Qaeda terrorists, but
they SHOULD be treated the same. If Mr. Bush and his supporters
have any problems with this, they should realize that the President
set these parameters himself. He did not say America was attacked
and shall be defended. He didn't say the federal government was
attacked. He said "freedom itself" was attacked. We are fighting
FOR freedom, and if that places us as an enemy of the federal
government or any other government, then so be it.
For those of you who prefer anything else to freedom itself, be it
security, be it commerce, be it party loyalty, whatever it is, the
words of Samuel Adams wonderfully express my sentiment: