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TAG SP 400: MUK - MP British Desak Bom Berangkai Diharamkan By MirrorUK 31/10/2001 12:16 pm Wed |
['That Tony Blair, whose government sells lethal weapons to Israel and has
sprayed Iraq and Yugoslavia with cluster bombs and depleted uranium and was the
greatest arms supplier to the genocidists in Indonesia, can be taken seriously
when he now speaks about the "shame" of the "new evil of mass terrorism" says
much about the censorship of our collective sense of how the world is managed.'
- Pilger. 'What a shame! While the US and Britain are denouncing terrorism, they
themselves are inventing, manufacturing and using weapons of mass destruction
and mass terrorism.' Ahli Parlimen British Mendesak Agar Bom Berangkai Diharamkan
(MP's Demand Cluster Bomb Ban) Ahli Dewan Rakyat Britian (House of Commons) semalam mendesak
agar diharamkan penggunaan bom berangkai di Afghanistan.
Tetapi, Menteri Pertahanan Geof Hoon telah menolak permintaan
agar mendesak AS menghentikan pengguguran bom jenis itu.
Pembangkang berkata bom itu bertukar fungsi menjadi jerangkap
samar seandainya ia tidak meledak ketika mendarat di bumi.
Mr. Hoon mengaku bom itu membunuh dan mencederakan orang
yang tidak berdosa tetapi katanya: 'Selagi dan sehingga tidak ada
cara lain menangani ancaman yang disebabkan oleh keretakebal,
UK dan AS akan terus menggunakannya.'
Bom berangkai boleh merebak dengan cara mengeluarkan lebih dari
2000 bom kecilan untuk menjangkau satu kawasan yang bersamaan
12 padang bolasepak. Setiap bom kecilan itu adalah sebesar satu tin
minuman dan mengeluarkan pula peluru kecil yang sebesar jarum.
Selalunya sekitar 20 peratus bom itu gagal meletup serta-merta dan
mereka mudah meledak seandainya ada sesiapa terpijakkannya.
Ahli parti labour Ann Clwyd daripada Lembah Cynon, berkata:
'penggunaan bom berangkai ini memang menggambarkan sikap
yang tidak berperikemanusian.' Dia menuntut pengharamannya
seperti yang berjaya dilakukan untuk mengharamkan jerangkap
samar. Terjemahan: SPAR 30 Oktober 01.
?objectid=11394620&method=full Hoon rejects calls in Parliament
By Paul Gilfeather, Whitehall Editor MPs yesterday demanded a ban on the cluster bombs being used in
Afghanistan. But Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon defied calls to pressure the US to
stop using the devices. Opponents say they create landmines when
they don't go off. Mr Hoon admitted they are killing and maiming innocent people but
he said: "Unless and until there is a better means of dealing with the
threat posed by armoured vehicles, the UK and the US will continue
to use them." The cluster bomb spreads more than 200 smaller bomblets over an
area equivalent to 12 football pitches. Each bomblet is the size of a
soft drinks can and scatters needle-like shrapnel.
But 20 per cent do not go off straight away and they can be triggered
simply by being stepped on. Labour's Ann Clwyd, of Cynon Valley, said there was "considerable distaste" about the use of cluster bombs. She demanded a ban following the successful drive to outlaw landmines. |