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MGG: The PAP, like UMNO, is in control, but nervous of the future By M.G.G. Pillai 25/10/2001 9:26 pm Wed |
[Baik PAP atau UMNO, kedua-duanya akan me-layu kerana generasi baru sudah
kenal siapakah sebenarnya mereka itu. Jika tidak mereka tidak akan keresahan
sepanjang waktu dan memilih untuk memendekkan tempoh kempen pemilu.
- Editor] Harakah 01-15 November 2001 COLUMN The PAP, like UMNO, is in control, but nervous of the future
M.G.G. Pillai NO CONCEIVABLE ELECTORAL opposition exists in Singapore, not when
the People's Action Party, in office since 1959, fine-tunes law
and constituencies to ensure an effete, disparate opposition in
tatters unable to unite against a determined behemoth. It did
away with single-member constituencies, opting with each election
for more multi-member ones. These larger constituencies once had
four members; now it is five and six. And grouped them in
areas, to not put a fine point to it, where opposition parties
gained ground. You could not fault why; without it, the
minorities could well disappear from parliament.
When one community dominates an autocratic society, as in
Singapore and Malaysia, the minority voice is heard on
sufferance. I see this in Malaysia, where non-Malays enter
Parliament only from areas where they are in a majority, or from
Malay majority constituencies which back the National Front. The
only Chinese electoral representation in Kelantan disappeared in
1990 when PAS swept into power. But you cannot ignore them
totally; so PAS had to make other arrangements to give them a
voice. When three quarters of the electorate in Singapore are
Chinese, as opposed to 55 per cent of Malays in Malaysia, this
electoral alienation is sharper. So the PAP government's aims, even if it benefited the
ruling party in a general election, could not be faulted. The
Singapore parliament was dissolved on 18 October, with nomination
day a week later, and election nine days later on 3 November. The
new house has 84 MPs, one more than the old. But the
constituencies are redrawn and announced a day before
dissolution, so that the opposition could not possibly campaign
effectively in the short-time allowed for the campaign. The
opposition claims the PAP government redrew the constituencies to
remove or expand those constituencies, including GRCs, where it
had support. But the Elections Commission's rationale cannot be
faulted. The shortened campaign is written into law, so as not to
disrupt government business, but, in practice, to keep the
opposition on a short leash. That may not work in Malaysia, when
the governing parties are as diffused, and often ignorant, as
opposition parties; UMNO finds the going tough because PAS
stalks it in a campaign in which both fight hard for the Malay
vote. Having all but lost the Malay cultural heartland, UMNO
cannot match PAS's growing sophistication. The non-Malay
parties, in government and opposition, meanwhile, waffle their
way into defeat. The political debate is devalued, with UMNO,
not PAS, wanting an Islamic state, albeit different from PAS's,
to remain relevant. When the Singapore PAP government tinkers with group
representation just before parliament is dissolved, the
well-thought out reasons, accepted albeit reluctantly at that
time, disappears into thin air. It accepts, tacitly, all is not
right with its governance; its policies, however widely accepted,
alienate citizens such that it could only rise with time. In 42
years of office, it alienated more Singaporeans than it dares
conjecture. The reasons why are not inquired into; the
presumption is that it comes with a high price for saying what
one should not say. The PAP can hold power only if it continues to lead the
dominant Chinese cultural majority; but that frays, and not just
at the edges. It plays off one community against the other, in
this stated belief in a meritocratic society. But at the cost of
civic liberties, which an educated citizenry, the grandchildren
of who brought the PAP into power, can no longer accept. This is
UMNO's conundrum, where it retains Malay political support but
not its cultural centre. The PAP is in no danger yet, but this
would surface after its leading light and senior minister, Mr Lee
Kuan Yew, 78, left the scene. The PAP, which wields power in authoratian governance and
unbending, often harsh, legal perfection, is right to worry,
despite the neutered opposition, that it could lose control when,
not if, the voters decide enough is enough. That is not about to
happen. The PAP would romp home this time, with a fistful of
MPs, at best, ranged against it. Singapore is in crisis, the
economy in recession, the September 11 events in the United
States complicating it, the Osama bin Laden affair and the
invasion of Afghanistan adding to an visceral hatred for Islam,
not talked about but clearly there. Mr Lee all but taunts the
Muslim Singapore to go and fight with the Taliban for all he
cared. A crisis, manufactured or tenuous, allows the PAP to fend
internal dissenion. The Malaysia-Singapore spat is one; it
encapsulated, in the Singapore Chinese mind, its worst fears of
Malay irresponsibility and Muslim bigotry. The terrorist attacks
in the United States, and the worldwide call for a jihad by Mr
Osama bin Laden is enough, as anthrax and terrorism in the United
States, got Singaporeans to rally around the only Singapore
political party they believe could keep the Muslim hordes, and
disaster, off its shores, helped, now, no doubt, with Muslim
anger, in Malaysia and Indonesia, over the bombing of
Afghanistan. The Singapore opposition screamed, ineffectually, at the
gerrymandering, but in the state they are in could do little. An
informal opposition grouping exists to fight in the group
constituencies, but the terrain is stacked against it. The
leaders, not political parties, are the prima donnas, as in
Malaysia. So long as they are, they remain diffused and defused.
Government action, in Singapore and Malaysia, is to keep it that
way. So, PAS and DAP are at each other's throats because Dato'
Fadhil Noor and Mr Lim Kit Siang could not negotiate without one
giving way, and that would impinge, in the public mind, or so
they think, on their parties. As in Singapore. But, in
Malaysia, saner minds see through this, and mount a serious
challenge on issues, not personalities.
The Singapore opposition does not yet look beyond the
immediate. But they could as easily come to power by capturing
power through GRCs, which the PAP firmly assume is theirs. That
is not about to happen. For that, it must have a plan spread
over three or four general elections, strengthening the ground
slowly, delibertately, in which it must expect defeats and
desertions, but the day would come, as for PAS in 1990 in
Kelantan and in 1999 In Trengganu, that victory is theirs.
So, why did PAP reveal it is nervous of the future? Many
leaders were not even born when the PAP took office in 1959.
Their children are fed up with the nanny state Singapore has
become. It charts a state out of kilter with its neighbours, a
first world country in third world surroundings, attracting, in
equal abandon, anger and envy across its borders. The recession
in Singapore has shaken the Singaporean faith in its continued
economic growth. Those who lost most are the high fliers of the
global economy, the very ones who back the government for the
right to be munificently paid at all times.
In the immediate years of her independence, the Singapore
PAP leaders had a social compact with its citizens: in return
for unalloyed control over politics, PAP promised the Singaporean
could make as much hay as he could in business and outside
politics. The opposition found its breathing space much
curtailed after Mr J.B. Jeyaratnam, still a beta noire, became
the first opposition MP since 1967. Then, the economy had to do
with his victory. The PAP blinked this time, when the crisis is
worse. The opposition is headed for hard times if it is returned
in just one GRC, or have more seats than PAP is comfortable with,
perhaps four or five MPs. But even PAP now admits to the
metaphorical writing is on the wall. M.G.G. Pillai |