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TomPaine: All Anthrax, All The Time By TomPaine 1/1/1999 1:58 am Fri |
ALL ANTHRAX, ALL THE TIME And What's Missing From the Coverage
The Editors collaborated on this story.
CBS anchorman Dan Rather went on CNN last week and bragged that
he's not taking Cipro, but a competing network's anchorman is taking the
anthrax antibiotic. That's no profile in courage. It's not something the public
needs to know, nor does it help them understand anything about war or
terrorism or the day's news. It's not even journalism. The moment showed
the media's worst tendency -- covering itself as if it were the news.
This dismal bit of daytime television wouldn't even be worth writing about if
it were the exception. But sadly, it's not. Many of the biggest players in the
national news media have done a splendid job of placing themselves in
the center of the war story. Now all you need to do to become a terrorism
war correspondent is open the mail -- or watch your assistant open it. So
much for combat. What the anthrax battle-scared network anchors are experiencing pales in
contrast to what happened to Wall Street Journal staffers when their New
York bureau was destroyed by falling World Trade Center debris. That
story was covered, appropriately, and then the reporters got back to work.
Dan Rather discussing his brush with anthrax would seem silly and
self-indulgent if our country weren't at war. It might be useful if Mr. Rather,
or his fellow Fourth Estate targets in this sad chapter, spent just a little
more time asking higher-ups why their news organizations are not going
outside the censorship dictates of the Pentagon and the Taliban to bring
the public more robust, subtle coverage.
All anthrax all the time isn't in-depth reporting, it's breathless; too little
news filling too much airtime.
Ladies and gentlemen in the press corps, let's cover the war in all of its
complexity. Let's start by not overreacting and contributing to a climate of
fear. Yes, someone is sending anthrax through the mail, and that is a big,
serious story. But if CBS or Congress has to shut down because of anthrax
threats, let's offer some perspective. All anthrax all the time isn't in-depth
reporting, it's breathless; too little news filling too much airtime.
Let's go after some under-explored aspects of the current war, such as
proof of Osama bin Laden's guilt. We're told it exists, but we haven't seen
and judged it for ourselves. What we know is largely circumstantial, guilt
by association confirmed only by a knowing wink from officialdom.
American bombs and bullets are flying in Afghanistan, but that doesn't
mean this line of questioning should stop.
The anthrax scare shows how much we don't know. Can a terror
movement based in Afghani caves accurately manufacture anthrax
particles? An expert interviewed by the CBC on October 17 suggested
that the high-quality, 'high-tech' anthrax that landed in Senator Daschle's
inbox didn't likely come from any cave lab. He said its purity and quality
"suggests state involvement." Could this mean Afghanistan is getting
bombs that would be better aimed elsewhere? Is Saddam quietly
snickering while Osama gets the blame for everything? We don't know, but
are American reporters even asking such questions?
Why not turn the camera on what the Pentagon officially calls "news
management" -- the propaganda war? Reporters might profile the general
who commands the public relations battalion -- who is he? How many
troops does he command? Do his briefing room battle maps delineate
domestic media markets as the war zone?
The techno-cool "smart bomb" shots the Pentagon feeds the networks
might as well be reruns of Gulf War vintage -- that's how much they tell
us about the current war. There is precious little coverage of what the
bombs are doing to people on the ground in Afghanistan. Such television
pictures are being shown in the Muslim world, but hardly here, and then
only with MTV-like quick cuts. Let's have a good, hard look at the
Grounds Zero of our own making.
It would take some real courage to cover these sectors of the war zone,
some real creativity and innovation in the field and spine in the editorial
boardrooms. That's what it takes to put the interest of the governed over
the interest of the governors. War has a way of separating the journalists from the media stars and the
loud mouths, and the War on Terrorism will show who's who.
This is a photograph of the letter containing anthrax that was sent
to NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw. Reaching out to the public for
help, the Justice Department released on Tuesday, Oct. 23,
2001, copies of three letters and the envelopes that contained
anthrax that were sent to Daschle, NBC News anchor Tom
Brokaw and the editor of The New York Post. (AP Photo/FBI, HO)
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