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WRH: The "Proof" and "National Security" - Who WAS on those Aircraft? By WRH 20/10/2001 5:03 am Sat |
Our government keeps bandying about the claim that they have proof
that Osama Bin Laden is behind the attacks on the World Trade Towers
and that this proof justifies going forward with the invasion of Afghanistan
that has been openly discussed in the foreign press since last summer,
long before there were any "terror attacks".
But, despite early promises to show this evidence openly, as would be
required in any American court of law, the government of the United
States has withheld the evidence, insisting that it cannot e revealed for
reason of "National Security". Yet, this evidence has supposedly been
shared with the governments of other nations to pursuad them to join the
cause of bombing a lot of Afghani non-combatants.
So, in truth, the ONLY people this evidence is secret from are the people
being asked to surrender their taxes and their children to pay for this
adventure. The requirement that proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt against an
accused be fully public is a cornerstone of our American culture. In
casting that requirement away in the haste to carry out the already
planned invasion of Afghanistan, the government of the United States has
already conceded defeat to those who planned the World Trade Tower
Supposedly, not one of the four cockpit voice recorders from the
9/11 planes has been found. The recordings made of FAA flight
controllers talking to aircraft are also missing. With the exception of
one still frame taken at an airport in Seattle of an Arab-looking man
at a gate, no videos from any of the departure gates of any of the
four hijacked flights has been released to show Arabs getting on
board those flights. The flight attendant who telephoned the ground
gave the seat numbers of the men who hijacked her plane and
those seats were assigned to names which do not appear on the
FBI's list of Arab suspects; a list the FBI persists in waving about
even though it has admitted that the hijackers were using skillfully
forged IDs with stolen identities. And even more telling, the names
of the alleged hijackers released by the FBI do not even appear on
the published passenger lists of the four hijacked flights. Indeed the
passenger lists are notable for the scarcity of any Arabic sounding
Okay, so just who WAS on those aircraft?
In the rush to sell an invasion of Afghanistan, our government and media
have been waving a bunch of middle eastern faces at us on the TV; photos
of the dangerous hijackers who ploughed their stolen aircraft into the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon. Flight 93 was supposedly flown by
Captain Saeed al-Ghamdi and a second hijacker named Bukhari, while
Abdulrahman al-Omari was supposed to be at the controls of flight 11.
Going from these suspects, links are being created to point the finger of
blame at various targets, including but not limited to Afghanistan, Egypt,
Iraq, etc. Ah, but the best laid plans gang aft aglay and there's a problem! Mr.
al-Omari, a pilot with Saudi Airlines, just walked into the US embassy in
Jeddah to demand why he was being reported as a dead hijacker in the
American media. Likewise Mr. al-Ghamdi is still alive and well and at his
job for Tunis Air, while Mr. Bukhari has been dead for two years now,
according to the Saudi Gazette in a story dated September 18th, 2001.
In a recent development, the BBC is reporting that the transcript of a phone
call made by Flight Attendant Madeline Amy Sweeney to Boston air traffic
controls shows that the flight attendant gave the seat numbers occupied by
the hijackers, seat numbers which were NOT the seats of the men the FBI
claimed were responsible for the hijacking!
Even CNN is now reporting that the men who hijacked those aircraft were
using phony IDs, using the names of real people still living in Arab nations
in the middle east. So, one fact is now apparent. If those who hijacked those airplanes were
using stolen identities, then we don't know who they were or who they
worked for. We can't. It's impossible.
Now, people who are intending to commit suicide normally don't worry
about whether anyone knows their real name, and it is here that some other
odd aspects of this case take on a new meaning.
We are told that the group that planned and carried out the hijackings and
subsequent attack on the World Trade Towers were highly trained (possibly
by the CIA) experts, with knowledge of how to steal identities, forge fake
IDs, and compromise White House and Air Force One security codes.
Yet at the same time, we are being told that these same hijackers spent the
night before the attack getting drunk in bars, making noise, screaming
insults at the "infidels", and doing everything they could to attract attention
to themselves. They used the credit cards issued in their stolen names,
allowed their driver's licenses with the stolen names to be photocopied,
and used public library computers to send emails back and forth using their
stolen names signed to unencrypted messages about their plans to steal
aircraft and crash them into buildings, then decorated their apartments with
absurdly obvious props such as a crop dusting manual to the point where
the whole affair reads like a low budget "B" detective movie from the 1930s.
In short, these men did everything they could to make sure everyone knew
who they were, or more to the point, who they were pretending to be.
Because the IDs used by the hijackers were phony, we cannot know who
they really were or who they really worked for. But what is apparent is that
those who planned the hijackings and the attacks on the World Trade
Towers went out of their way to leave plenty of clues pointing to citizens of
Arab nations of the middle east. We don't know who planned the attacks on the World Trade Towers.
But we do know who they wanted us to think they were.
We do know who they intended America to blame for the attacks.