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IIIE: The Destruction of WTC and the Pentagon 18-Days After By M. Amir Ali 4/10/2001 4:31 am Thu | By M. Amir Ali Condemnation, Condolences and Demand for Justice.
This author and the entire Muslim world, including the Taliban and Saddam
Hussein, have condemned the destruction of lives and properties at the WTC,
the Pentagon and four airplanes on September 11, 2001 and stand deeply in
sorrow and in solidarity with the survivors of the victims. The actual
criminals who committed the crimes are dead but their comrades are in hiding;
they should be found and brought to justice. At the same time, make no mistake
that it would be equally wrong and criminal to go into ventures of vendettas
on mere suspicion without irrefutable evidence.
The U.S. government has declared that all roads lead to Osama Binladin and
he is the prime suspect. The evidence given is that nineteen Arabic names
were found in the airlines' manifests and some of them matched with those
who attended pilot training schools. Additional evidence given is that a
pilot's manual in the Arabic language was found in a rented car in the
airport parking lot. Also some of those Arabs were found in a tavern in
Florida bragging about their operation. They were found dancing and
womanizing despite the allegations that they were followers of Osama
Binladin. These are contradictions because being "followers of Islam" and
indulging in major sins like, killing innocent non-combatants, drinking
liquor and womanizing yet expecting martyrdom (shahadah) for Islam do not
mix. The U.S. government's case is based on theory, which is rooted in prejudice,
hate and fear of Islam and Muslims fueled by anti-Islam bigots worldwide.
The U.S. government has failed in providing a shred of irrefutable evidence
in support of her theory. On the other hand, more and more evidence is being
collected by the people in support of my and the Muslim world's theory, joined
by many thinking non-Muslim writers, that Israel and its Zionist friends were
the perpetrators of the crime. It is the faulty psychology of many, includes
some Muslims, that the government knows best and its theory is fact and all
others are only bumbling talkers. I guess we have to live with gullible people.
See my article on the gullibility index under "Opinions" at
Gullibility has not contributed any advances but produced only flocks of sheep,
whereas skepticism has given us scientific advances and brought us to the age
of computers and rockets. Skepticism forces people to provide irrefutable
evidence or back off and let others consider alternate theories.
The same scientific principle should apply in finding who is responsible
for the destruction of the WTC and the Pentagon and the murder of almost
seven-thousand innocent people. The acceptance of the government's theory
without irrefutable evidence will cause the death of many more innocent
lives, the destruction of a lot more property and the loss of taxpayer's
money on futile ventures. Convictions in the court of law do not constitute
irrefutable evidence because a lot of people are convicted who have been
shown to be innocent subsequently. The State of Illinois has suspended
indefinitely capital punishment because the court convictions were found
to be not reliable. Frequently, American convictions are based on "plea
bargaining" not irrefutable evidence. I personally had an experience
with plea bargaining. Several years ago I was driving on I-80 East and at one stretch I speeded up
to pass a slow moving semi-truck (a very long truck). I did not check the
speedometer but I was sure that I did not exceed much beyond the speed limit.
As soon as I passed the truck, a police car came behind me, stopped me and
gave me a ticket for going over the speed limit by 11 miles per hour. I did
not think that he could have checked my speed by radar because the truck was
between him and me. I denied the charge of 11 miles over the speed limit.
When I went to the court, the prosecutor offered me the alternatives of
entering a guilty plea or a not guilty plea or plea bargaining. She told me
that if I was found guilty by the judge I would have to pay $100.00 in fines,
obtaining conviction points on my driving record and the risk of increasing
my insurance premiums. The alternative was plea bargaining resulting in the
payment of $50.00 and no points on my driving record. I asked her what was
the plea she was offering. She said that she would charge me of not carrying
my driver license with me. I told her that it would be a lie for I was not
charged for that and that my driver license number was on the ticket. She
said that it did not matter and she could fix it. I was convicted of the
lesser charge (the lie concocted by the prosecutor), I paid $50.00 and got
off the hook. Plea bargaining is not justice but provides a few advantages to the government.
For example, convicting a person for something secretly worked out is politically
correct, it reduces expenses of law suits, sometimes it generates money and the
public is satisfied that somebody has been convicted and punished. A large number
of convictions obtained by the government prosecutors are through plea bargaining
by threats and intimidation. Many Muslims who were convicted of terrorism from the
Kangaroo courts of New York City run by the Zionists are of this type. All
terrorism cases involving Muslims and Arabs are tried in the Kangaroo Courts of
New York City run by the Zionists because no other court in the land would find
enough evidence to convict them. As long as Zionists are involved in the courts
where Muslims and Arabs are tried, they have no chance of winning as not guilty
because in the eyes of the Zionists, Muslims and Arabs are guilty for being what
they are. I am not talking about the Jews but the Zionists which is a class by
itself irrespective of religion. I believe that had Timothy McVeigh blown up a
building in New York City, he would have gone scot-free and some Muslims or Arabs
would have been executed or rotting in federal prisons.
I have already presented in my September 11 article that this crime was the
work of Israel and her Zionist friends. After two weeks my case has become
stronger because a lot of people have provided the evidence which the U.S.
government refuses to look into. I present this evidence under two sub-topics,
(a) logical conclusions, and (b) supportive evidence. 1. Instruction Manual in Arabic.
Law enforcement official found pilot instructions in the Arabic language left
behind in a rented car in a parking lot. Logically this was an attempt
to frame Arabs because no criminal would leave behind such evidence. Besides,
many of them were known to have been living in the U.S. for many years,
attended institutions and colleges and knew English very well. Obviously,
they did not need an instruction manual in the Arabic language. Those manuals
appear to have been planted. 2. Fake Crew. Two Arabs appeared at an airport in the east with fake pilot licenses, which
makes no sense because criminals would not provide anything that would arouse
suspicion of them being criminals and get arrested even before boarding the
airplane. This was a deliberate attempt to frame Arabs. Three Arab looking
persons bringing their luggage marked "crew" while they were not crew members
is another deliberate attempt to frame Arabs.
3. Forged Identities. Israel, reportedly, has a department for making forged documents of any country,
such as, identity cards, passports, certificates, etc. and routinely forges them
for infiltration of spies. Israeli spies have penetrated into every Muslim country
and routinely collect information about the people. It is very easy for Israel
to make fake documents for its own spies and saboteurs and infiltrate them as
Arabs if it wants to frame Arabs in a crime. Israel is perfectly capable of
developing track records of its own spies as Arabs, provide them documents as
Arabs, implant them, commit crimes and frame Arabs. Read BY WAY OF DECEPTION by
Victor Ostrovsky, St. Matins Press, New York, 1991. It is, therefore, important
to track down every Arab name from birth to death, if that name is involved in
a crime. To develop tracking records as Arabs, Israeli spies can have credit
cards as Arabs, register at pilot schools as Arabs, rent apartments as Arabs,
have families as Arabs and do everything necessary to frame Arabs in heinous
crimes. 4. Infiltration and Coordination.
The Zionists are in every field of activity in the U.S. which includes
aviation, pilots, communication, FBI, CIA, airports, security, flight control
towers, law enforcement, the media, the White House, the Congress and they
are sitting in positions of power with the ability of coordinating activities
with any one. Arabs and Muslims are not found in such positions to help
in any criminal activity. Admittedly, the air crashes at the WTC and the
Pentagon required a lot of coordination and inside help which no Muslim
terrorist could have received. 5. Motivation and Benefit. The most important question in any criminal investigation raised is that
of motivation and benefit. No one wants to give up their lives by committing
suicide unless there are benefits in it for him and/or his people. The U.S.
government has totally failed in providing a believable and convincing
motivation for any Muslim group, including Osama Binladin. The most absurd
claims are that the Muslims are jealous of the U.S. prosperity and life style,
or they hate American liberty, or that they hate democracy and capitalism.
Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Kuwait and many other countries are just as prosperous
if not more and they have less crime than the U.S., therefore, those countries
should be the targets. Osama Binladin came from a rich family and is personally
rich. Why should he become an enemy of the U.S.? On the other hand, Israel
has the motivation to commit the crime and frame the Muslims. The last
two weeks have proven that Israel is the only beneficiary of the crime
because Israel has improved its public image and Muslims have received
a very bad image, both were the goals of the Israelis. The public opinion
about Israel in the U.S. and the world was tarnishing due to Intifadah:
eleven months of stones verses the tanks and machine guns. Israeli public
image was dismal due to Israeli indiscriminate killing and shelling of
villages and finally, their walkout of the UN Racism Conference in Durban.
Israel has recovered her positive image and Arabs have been defeated in
the public image. No one wants to fly in an airplane if there is an Arab
or a Muslim in the same plane. Anti-Islam bigots led by Israel have won
big time, therefore, it is concluded that Israel had every motivation to
commit the crime and frame the Arabs and the Muslims. Muslims and Arabs
have been the net losers in the public opinion worldwide and Israel is
the net beneficiary. 6. Contradictions to Islam. Alcoholic drinking, womanizing, dancing and killing non-combatant civilians
are not permitted in Islam. These are violations of the Qur'anic injunctions
and the concept of Islamic martyrdom (shahadah) leading to paradise. Naturally,
no Muslim would fall in to the deception of committing sins and hoping
to go to Paradise. 7. Holes in the FBI Case. According to the list nineteen hijackers published by the FBI, United flights
93 and 175 had only one pilot each, American flight 77 had no pilots and
American flight 11 had four pilots which makes no sense. A closer look at the
case will show many other holes because the U.S. government theories are flawed.
1. David Stern Report (
This report dated September 13, 2001, says that a U.S military intelligence
memo points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence having links to the WTC
and Pentagon attacks. This four-week-old intelligence memo "described information
that pointed to the threat of a covert Israeli operation on U.S. soil to
turn mass public opinion against Palestinian Arabs via an apparent terrorist
attack on US interests." Neither President Bush nor Donald Rumsfeld nor
John Ashcroft have clearly denied the existence of the memo. Until and
unless the US government denies it in clear terms, the Stern Report will
be taken as true and Israel will remain a prime suspect in the eyes of
the Muslims and neutral world. 2. The Famous 4000 Israelis. There is a persistent Internet report that was mentioned on ABC Nightline on
September 25 that 4000 Israeli workers at the WTC Towers did not go to
work on September 11. This raised speculation that the Israelis knew something
that was not known to others. The U.S. authorities, including the State
Department, are silent on this point. Unless the U.S. denies this rumor,
in a convincing manner, it is going to persist and will be taken as true
and will certainly implicate Israelis in the crime, that they saved their
own 4,000 from certain death while allowing the other 7,000 to perish.
3. The List of Missing or Dead.
Knowing that the Jews dominate financial institutions, their proportion as
employees in finance and the markets is disproportionately high. I suspect
that the Jews will be at least 25% in financial institutions, therefore
among the 50,000 persons who worked in the Twin Towers, Jews were at least
12,000. 7,000 Out of the 50,000 are dead which is 14% of the total. By interpolation,
the death toll of the Jews may be about 1,700 and it is relevant to the
investigation to find if the death toll of the Jews was much lower than
that. This is not a ill wish for an ethnic group but an inquiry for the
truth. According to President Bush 130 Jews died in the crash and the buildings,
hmm! It is noteworthy that all Jews are not Zionists and non-Zionists receive
no sympathy from the State of Israel. 4. Five Erratic Israelis. It is reported that from the top of a nearby building five Israelis were
videotaping the air crashes, and of the buildings burning, smoking and
falling and they were jubilant. Did they know ahead of time that the crash
was going to take place? No answer is coming from the U.S. government.
This is a very relevant question for the investigation. Why are the
investigators silent on this question?
5. Cancelled Visit of Ariel Sharon.
The murderer of Shabra and Shatila, who happens to be the Prime Minister
of Israel, was scheduled to travel to the U.S. and appear at a pro-Israel
rally in New York City on September 11, but this trip was cancelled by
Shabak, an Israeli secret service agency. Does it mean that Shabak knew
something which was not shared with the U.S. government? Or was Shabak
the main perpetrator of planning and execution of those air crashes?
6. Living-Dead Pilot Terrorists.
According to the U.S. government there were nineteen Arab terrorists in four
airplanes which crashed on September 11 and among them at least seven have
been identified as Saudi nationals. However, it is reported that Prince Naif,
Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia announced that all seven were known and
living well in their country. There are doubts about others, if they were real
people or dead people's name resurrected by the Israelis for the air crashes.
At least one of them is known to have died a year earlier. Evidently, Israelis
forged the identities of Arab pilots and engineers for framing the Muslims
to achieve its goals of turning world public opinion in its favor and against
the Muslims living in the West. On September 27 Nightline, ABC News produced
a faceless "Max" who supposedly received training in a Binladin camp and
recognized one of the 19 as a co-trainee; he gave a different name to this
person from the one published by the FBI. The story of Max had holes, giving
clues to his fake story. This is a very familiar FBI technique when it
wants to frame people in a crime. Sheikh Omar Abdur Rahman was framed by
the use of a similar "Max" who turned out to be Imad Salim, an Egyptian
crook, who perjured himself for one million dollars and a life under the
witness protection program of the FBI. We can expect more of them coming
out of the bushes, faceless people concocting stories for the FBI or CIA
so that politically correct results are produced to satisfy naive American
people. 7. Stock Market Aberrations. According to ABC News and the Chicago Tribune, during the week before the
air crashes, the stocks of United Airlines, American Airlines and those
companies whose offices were in the Twin Towers were very heavily traded.
It was the worst case of insider trading and is being investigated. Evidently
somebody knew about the forthcoming air crashes. Note that the stock market
is heavily dominated by the Zionists. Muslims are almost absent in the stock
market. The U.S. government and relevant agencies have a duty to report to
the American people and the world explaining aberrations of the stock market.
8. A Happy Israeli. It has been reported that at least one or more Israelis were found to be
celebrating when they heard about air crashes. Why were they so happy if
they had nothing to gain from the death of almost 7,000 innocent people
and the destruction of properties. 9. Were there Happy Palestinians?
Pro-Israeli media, CNN, was ready with the 1991 video clips of happy Palestinians
and showed it as a celebration on September 11. Why was it done if Israel
had no interest in the air crashes and Israelis were mourning the dead?
Naturally, Israel and her supporters were ready to make maximum damage
to the Arab image worldwide and that was one of their goals in enacting
air crashes and framing the Muslims and Arabs.
10. A Mole in the White House.
There was a report that the Air Force One received a threat while in the air
with President Bush. There are two unsolved mysteries, (a) how the terrorists
found the phone number of the Air Force One and learned how to scramble
the message? (b) The language used was a special White House code; how
did the terrorists have those coded words? A logical conclusion is that
there is a mole in the White House. No one is talking about this matter
except in a cursory manner. There are no Muslims employed in the White
House but there are numerous Zionists who have worked and continue to work
there. 11. Airline Manifests. A partial list of airlines manifests has been published in Europe and it is
available on the Internet which contains no Arabic names! Where did the Bush
government obtained those 19 Arabic names? How was it discovered that the
same people had taken flight training at private schools? Evidently, these
were supplied by the perpetrators so that the Arabs are nailed down immediately
before the government had any chance of suspecting the real criminals, that is,
Shabak or some other Israeli sabotage agency.
In his declaration of war Bush and company said two things, which are extremely
important for the Muslims to ponder over: (a) he declared a Crusade, and (b)
uttered the phrase "dry up the swamp." These two phrases are of extreme importance
to understand. Simultaneously, he declared that this was not a war on Islam or
against the Muslims. We need to examine these declarations.
The Crusades were against Islam, that is, to destroy Islam and take over their
lands, kill as many Muslims as possible and forcefully christianize those who
survived. Bush contradicts himself when he declares his crusade and also says
that it was not a war against Islam. Which part of his statement are we supposed
to believe and which part was a deception?
The source of mosquitoes is a swamp. Understanding and attachment with the Qur'an and Sunnah gives rise to
Islamic movements, such as, Ikhwan al-Muslimoon, Jamaat-e-Islami, FIS, HAMAS,
Taliban, Tanzeem-e-Islami, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Tahrik-e-Khilafat and others who
want to bring back total Islam to the lives of the people. The West hates these
parties and their movements and they are swamps which breed activists and some
of them become terrorists. Drying up the swamp means destroying these parties
through sowing dissension and discord by infiltration and rumors. This is war
on Islam whether Bush wants to say it or not but we understand. This is a war
against the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet and we understand.
What Muslim Americans can do, no other Muslims can do. This is a "reach
one and teach one" movement or an "one family a month" movement. If one
Muslim invites two persons a month to his home or apartment for a meal
and talks to them or one family invites a non-Muslim family (two adults
and one or more children) a month, they can reach and educate 24 to 40
persons a year. There are seven million Muslims in the U.S. and the total
population is 280 million. Among 7 million Muslims, there are at least 2
million families and if each family invites and educates one family a
month, we can reach and educate 24 million to 48 million people a year.
This way we can reach the entire population of the U.S. in ten years. The
net effect would be the removal of prejudice, hate and fear of Islam from
this country. Ignorance is the mother of hate, fear and prejudice and
education removes it. The success of this project will have profound
effects on the whole world. A change in the policies of the West towards the Muslim world would stop
the breeding of terrorists and will dry the swamp. There is no need of a
crusade against Islam but a crusade against the ignorance of Islam is
essential. Bush does not need any overt or covert operation abroad but he
needs a very inexpensive education campaign within the U.S. for accepting a
neutral policy towards the Muslim world and burying the hostility against
Islam and Muslims. The U.S. must stop using a double yardstick, one for the
Arabs and Muslims and the other for the Israelis. The solution of terrorism
is at home, Mr. Bush. Please reform the U.S. foreign policy towards the
Muslim world and Israel and stop meddling in the Muslim world affairs. What
is good for the West, that is good for the Muslim world! Let the Muslim
world choose their own systems and their own governments. Stop propping up
puppets. The U.S. government and the media are leading the people into the fury of
suppressing the symptoms, that is, terrorism whether done by the Israelis
or the Muslims. No one except a few thinkers outside the government is
talking about etiology of the underlying disease. It is like a belly ache
and liver cancer. Liver cancer is the disease and aches and pains are the
symptoms. You may cut out the stomach but it will not cure the cancer of
the liver. Similarly, terrorism is a symptom of underlying disease or
diseases. The disease should be found and treated. If we see the disease
in concentric rings, the center belongs to the U.S. "meddling" in the Muslim
countries and denying them self rule according to their own wishes. The next
closest ring belongs to the American unconditional support of the tyrannical
and unjust policies of the State of Israel and consequences of this support.
There are some other secondary diseases, such as, economic and military
embargoes on Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan and other Muslim
countries. Also, the promotion of anti-Islam, anti-Muslim and anti-Arab
bigotry worldwide by the governments, the Zionists and Fundamentalist
Christians contribute heavily. There are still other diseases which I may
write about in my future articles. Binladin and Israeli terrorism may be
symptoms not the cause of the disease of hate of the U.S. The etiology of
this disease is within the U.S.; this country has full control over it and
ability to cure it. There is no need to send any forces abroad, covert or
overt to cure the disease. There is no swamp that the U.S. is able to dry up.
The talk of Crusades is totally ridiculous; Bush and company should be ashamed
of themselves for using such hateful terms.
I am appreciative of the President Bush who, while talking to the Mayor
and Governor of New York, he said that Arab-Americans and Muslim Americans
should be respected and that they are not involved in any way in terrorism.
Also, I am appreciative of Mayor Daley of Chicago and many other prominent
politicians who have expressed similar concerns and voice in support the
Muslim Americans. In the media, I am very appreciative of ABC News,
particularly Peter Jennings and Ted Kopple for their neutrality and their
voice in favor of finding the disease rather than suppressing the symptoms
only. I condemn other TV networks, particularly, the Fox News who has
championed anti-Islam and anti-Muslim bigotry.
Pressures on the Muslim world leaders.
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yasser Arafat and the Arab world are coming under
pressure to cooperate in arresting and handing over Osama Binladin to the
American government. This would be wrong to arrest a Muslim leader and
hand him over to the enemies of Islam. First of all, the U.S. has a duty
to produce hard evidence against Osama Binladin and a Muslim country should
try him and convict him if there is evidence within the laws of Islam.
If the Muslim leaders are not willing to learn from Islam then they need
to learn from Israel. Israel refuses to hand over criminals to any country
or any international tribunal. Even abductors and hijackers, whom it considers
to be criminals, are tried and sentenced in Israel. Even the U.S. and other
western governments have given in to the Israeli whims and failed in extraditing
American criminals from Israel. Any international tribunal is run according
to the laws of bigotry and hatred of Islam and Muslims and they cannot
be the one's to try Muslims except secularized ones who by their own option,
give up Islam. Conspiracy Theories. Some people have an allergy to conspiracy theories but they do not realize
that all fact-finding missions begin with many alternative conspiracy theories.
As the investigation progresses, weaker ones are dropped. The U.S. has no
alternative theories but one, that is, Binladin, and this is the weakness of the
investigation. The U.S. government her the mindset on Binladin and the Taliban
and this is going to hurt interests of the U.S. and its people.
September 29, 2001