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IUK: Divided kingdom that became a cradle for determined killers By Robert Fisk 2/10/2001 8:31 am Tue |
Divided kingdom that became a cradle for
determined killers By Robert Fisk 27 September 2001 Our fleets and aircraft may be heading for the land and sea close
to Afghanistan but, in the days to come, the attention of diplomats
and intelligence agents is likely to be focused on an ally whose
citizens - perhaps as many as 12 of them - were among the 19
hijackers who slaughtered more than 7,000 people: Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis are not handing out visas to journalists right now - and
why should they when their enquiries would reveal a kingdom that
is ever more dangerously balanced between religious extremists
and the royal family which first invited American troops to Saudi
Arabia more than 11 years ago? At least six of the hijackers
aboard the four jets come from Saudi Arabia, most from
middle-class, even wealthy families. Some of them are followers of
Safar Hawali, a dissident cleric who has repeatedly demanded -
like Osama bin Laden - that US forces be withdrawn from the Gulf.
Saudi Arabia's internal tensions are becoming more transparent as
the full story of the attacks is pieced together. If the Taliban
government in Afghanistan - itself a Saudi creation funded with
millions of dollars by the now-fired head of the Saudi secret
police, Prince Turki bin Faisal al-Saud - is hiding Mr bin Laden,
what of the Saudis whose intelligence service was so poor it had
no idea six of its citizens were planning an attack on the US? In
private, most Saudis acknowledge the growing strains - if not open
hostility - between the Saudi ulema (religious authorities) and the
royal family. "This has always been a problem and we know the sensitivities
that exist now," an old Saudi friend remarked yesterday. "Hawali is
a fanatic and I had an argument with him once. He has no idea of
compromise. His mind is made up about everything. But every
country has its fanatics and mad guys. You had them in Lebanon.
They exist in Chechnya and Pakistan." None of those countries,
however, can boast six - perhaps 12 - of its citizens among the
suicide crews who killed so many thousands in America this
month. Hamza Alghamdi was from Baljurchi, in the Saudi province of
Baha, the same town from which Ahmed Alghamdi and Ahmed
Alhaznawi - both named as hijackers - came. The Saudi
newspaper Al-Watan published a report this week that a man
named Hamza Saleh Alghamdi had left home for Chechnya and
then telephoned his parents to ask them to forgive him and pray for
him. His father insists that the photograph of Alghamdi published by
the FBI is not that of his son. So is this a case of yet another stolen passport being used to
create a false identity for the hijackers? Hani Hanjour, the hijacker
who piloted the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, came from
the Saudi hill resort of Ta'if. Like the Lebanese family of Ziad
Jarrahi, who apparently piloted the airliner that crashed in
Pennsylvania after a revolt by passengers, Hanjour's parents insist
that he must have been an innocent passenger on the plane.
The brothers Wail and Waleed M Alshehri came from Khamis
Mushayt near Abha, the city where Safar Hawali preaches. Ahmed
Alnami was also from Asir province - Abha is its capital and he
appears to have been a prayer leader in its mosque.
Despite this clear evidence that Saudi Arabia has been a cradle of
determined killers, no debate has been opened in the kingdom as
to how - or why - these young men, all of whom were in their
twenties, would form a suicide squad. To ask this question would
open the schism within Saudi society and demonstrate the power
of the ulema, the same religious leaders whom Mr bin Laden has
always claimed were on his side. The most recent rift between the
ulema and the Saudi government came over, of all things,
insurance - with the religious leaders claiming it is un-Islamic.
Instead of opposing the powerful religious elite, the government
allowed policies to be issued by "offshore" companies with
representatives living in the kingdom.
Fearful that the US will discover the deep-seated friction within
Saudi society, the Saudis have effectively neutered American
efforts to interview men arrested for suspected bombings. Prince
Turki al-Saud has made no comment since his dismissal last
month. As usual, the Saudis want to keep a very thick Arab robe
tied tightly around their own dissidents - lest the world discovers
that Afghanistan only nurtures what Saudi Arabia produces.