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MGG: Malaysia And Osama Bin Laden By M.G.G. Pillai 27/9/2001 6:47 am Thu |
Malaysia And Osama Bin Laden
How interlinked, as the United States insists, is Malaysia and
the bin Laden terrorist network? Malaysia is one of 20 Muslim
countries whose seamen are not allowed ashore when their ships
dock in US ports. It is a slight enough for the Prime Minister,
Dato' Seri Mahathir Mohamed, to bring the devil's wrath on the US
government. He has not. Instead, he cajoles and tries to
smoothtalk Washington into lifting the ban. But Malaysia has
paid host to groups Washington now insists is linked to Osama bin
Laden or his terrorist network or to other diverse groups.
When Malaysia wants to be a significant voice in the Muslim
world, she must support the voice of the Muslim diaspora and its
hurt and fear. Malaysia sent Malaysians to fight in Afghanistan
to unseat the Soviet Union, backingn one or more of the
mujahideen groups in the anti-Soviet coalition. When Moscow was,
these groups maintained their loyalties to the factions they
backed. One of this is the Taleban. It encouraged Malaysian
Muslims to study in the madrasahs of Pakistan, more than 25,000
of them, funded with Saudi money, providing the cannon fodder for
the Taleban movement. It is into this mess that Malaysia is now hoist on her own
petard. The bin Laden family has extensive investments here. It
was the Arab partner in the disastrous Kerpen tiger-fishing
project, which when it failed gave PAS the political edge it did
not have in Kedah. This conglomerate did some of the
infrastructure work of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport,
eventually RM900 million worth. While Osama bin Laden is not
part of the family group, blood is thicker than water; so it is
not realistic to assume the family has disowned him altogether.
When Osama bin Laden invested in Malaysia, he was not the
political ogre he is today; but the RM1.5 billion he has in a
Malaysian bank could not have been without the knowledge of the
banking and political authorities. If I know it, it is more than
likely others know it too. There are persistent rumours he
attempted to buy a house, that he had been here and that he had
wanted to base himself here before he moved on elsewhere. His
name appears often enough in the Mindanao problem.
The National Front (BN) government, to demonise PAS, took
this issue of terrorist training, to extremes. TV3 and NTV7
juxtaposed the World Trade Centre and Pentagon bombings with the
activities of the Kumpulan Militan Malaysia aka Kumpulan
Mujahideen Malaysia. Now no such claims are made. Washington
has put the squeeze on Malaysia. Washington, not satisfied with
Dr Mahathir's initial tepid response, made him write a letter to
President Bush offering Malaysia's bases and airspace to American
forces en route to destroy Afghanistan. The BN government cannot
now accuse PAS without mud on its face.
When the government raised the spectre of fundamentalist
Islamic terrorism within Malaysia, Malaysia fell into Washington
hands. Kuala Lumpur cannot now deny it, not when several people
had been detained and incarcerated under the Internal Security
Act. And as a political weapon against PAS, Islamic terrorist
activity cannot hold. Even amongst UMNO members, Osama bin Laden
is not the ogre the world depicts him as. He acquires the status
of a latter day Saladin, and he operates, as a British newspaper
wrote, as Genghis Khan, in a secretive system in which he alone
knows what the ultimate aim is and how it would be carried out.
It is therefore impossible to say what other tentacles he has in this country. He was allowed to invest here at a time when it was respectable to do so. He was after all once Washington's darling, as President Saddam Hussein of Iraq was. Dr Mahathir is forced to agree to whatever Washington has in mind. He is off Washington's radar screens, he still wants that invitation to tea and scones at the White House, and now he is caught in the nutcracker wielded by the different policy and security bodies of the United States government. He now has to beat the terrorist drum to show he is no body's whipping boy. |