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TAG SP 654: Pravda: Israel Diisytiharkan 'Negara Pengganas'
By Sergei Yugov

12/4/2002 12:11 pm Fri


Israel Diisytiharkan 'Negara Pengganas'

(Israel Declared 'Terrorist State')

Majlis Mufti Russia telah mengecam media massa Russia, yang menerbitkan berita songsang mengenai Palestin. 'Kita dapat melihat hanya satu pihak dalam konflik itu'. Itulah kedudukan yang berpihak kepada Israel.

Ada satu laporan ketenteraan yang disediakan bersama oleh empat negara Eropah, mengenai rencana Israel merancakkan ketegangan yang membabitkan Syria, Lebanon, Mesir dan Jordan sehingga tercetusnya peperangan. Kisah ini dilaporkan oleh Islam.Ru yang memetik akhbar Saudi, Al-Watan. Sebagai alasan menyerang Selatan Lubnan, Tel Aviv mendakwa pasukan Hezbollah sedang membantu Palestin. Penaklukan Selatan Lubnan itu akan memperkukuhkan kedudukannya di Golan Heights. Buat masa ini Kementerian Pertahanan Israel bersama pakar Amerika sedang melakukan pemantauan udara menggunakan F-16 dan helikopter. Lagipun, kemesraan yang muncul semula antara negara Arab dan Baghdad meransang AS menyerang Iraq dan memacu dasar Israel terhadap ketahanannya, yang selama ini ragu-ragu akan kemungkinan terjalinnya kesepakatan antara negara Arab dengan Iraq.

Sikap Israel terhadap bangunan Russian Orthodox Church di Baitul Laham, dan pengeboman rumah ibadat di persekitarannya, dan pembunuhan kejam yang dilakukannya terhadap kaum wanita, kanak-kanak dan orang tua adalah satu pencemaran hak asasi manusia, mengikut tafsiran pemimpin politik Eropah dan Russia. Kemarahan masyarakat Kristian disebabkan sikap Sharon mencemar rumah ibadat mereka yang begitu dihormati, dan pembunuhan kejam yang dilakukan oleh Sharon menyebabkan beliau diberi gelaran tukang sembelih. Kebencian terhadap penempatan Israel ke atas tanah kediaman orang Kristian dan Islam memang ada sejarahnya, begitu difahami sehingga tidak perlu diulangi lagi.

'Adalah sesuatu yang memalukan kalau kita percaya segala alasan pihak yang mengganas dan menyerang yang sudah pasti mencemar segala kedamaian yang mudah meledak di wilayah yang sungguh tegang di Timur Tengah.' Demikian pendapat Sergei Lykoshin yang menulis dalam artikelnya berjodol. 'Siapa yang menjadi sasaran?' Siapa pula yang mampu mencegah Sharon?

Sergei Yugov

Terjemahan: SPAR




The Council of Muftis of Russia has criticized the Russian mass media, which partially cover events in Palestine: 'We can see only one side of the conflict.' This is the position of Israel.

In the meanwhile, at the conference on terrorism, in which foreign ministers of the countries belonging to Oraganization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) participated, Israel was declared 'terrorist state.' According to the chairman of the conference, Malaysian Foreign Minister Said Hamid Albar, 'a common approach should be chosen towards Israel and the world community must take measures thereupon.' Israel 'does not defend itself from terrorist acts' but itself has invaded and occupied foreign territories, which causes a reciprocal reaction.

Unfortunately, in Arab world, there is no common position on Tel-Aviv's policy, which could be seen at March summit of League of Arab States in Beirut.

An extraordinary sitting of the league will be held in Cairo on April 7. It is already known that foreign ministers of Syria and Lebanon will not participate as a protest against the nonfulfilment of the Beirut summit's resolution, in particular of 'demand to break relations to Israel and to recommence the boycott of Israel by Arab countries.' First of all, the protest is aimed against Egypt and Jordan's policy, who do not intend to break off their peaceful agreements with Israel, Associated Press reports.

While Iranian spiritual leader, the Ayatollah Ali Homeni, following the Iraqi leadership, called on Arab states to introducing a symbolic month-long ban on oil supply to Western countries to stop supporting Israel in the Mideast conflict. Though, according to Reuters, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait refused and declined this idea.

In the meantime, a military report composed by four European militaries on situation in the Middle East discloses Israel's plans about the escalation of confrontation and engaging Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan in a full-scale war. This is being reported by Islam.Ru, referring to the Saudi newspaper Al-Watan. In particular, as a pretext for the occupation of the south of Lebanon, Tel-Aviv could use the fact that Hezbollah is helping the Palestinians. According to military, the occupation of the south of Lebanon by Israel would strengthen its presence in the Golan Heights. At the moment, the Israeli Defence Ministry, together with US experts, are conducting air manoevers with F-16 aircraft and helicopters. Moreover, according to the military, the reestablishment of relations between Arab countries and Bagdad stimulates the US to delivering strikes against Iraq and stirs up Israeli's policy of aggression, which is afraid of possible military cooperation between Arab countries and Iraq.

'The Israeli position established on the roof of a pilgrim house belonging to Russian Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, the shelling of temples of the Holy Land, and the mad slaughter of teenagers, women and old men is not only violation of human rights and of international law, as European and Russian politicians gingerly say. Outrage upon sacred objects of the whole Christian civilization, trample of the fundamental right of a human being on protection in the own house and in the own land, loathsome mask of genocide - this is the essence of worldly known 'butcher' Sharon, who leads the Jewish state. The historical hatred of Israeli occupants of Islamic and Christian sanctuaries has its origins, and it is broadly known and does not need to be explained' It is absurd and stupid to rely on the aggressor's excuses, who rudely violates peace in the most highly explosive region of the Middle East,' - Russian columnist Sergei Lykoshin wrote in his article 'Who is taken to aim at?' So, who will restrain Sharon?

Sergei Yugov PRAVDA.Ru

Translated by Vera Solovieva