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TAG SP 508: Azzam: Rangkuman Berita Maut

8/12/2001 2:24 am Sat

Rangkuman Berita Ringkas Daripada

6 Disember, 2001.

Taliban Bunuh 93 Komando AS Quetta:

(IslamNews): Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negara Afghanisan, memberitahu betapa tidak tepat dan berasas apabila pasukan Amerika yang berehat di gurun pasir, 220 batu jauhnya daripada Kandahar boleh membuat dakwaan telah merampas bandar itu. Begitu juga dengan kisah seorang pemimpin Pashtun yang mendakwa sudahpun merampas pangkalan perang di Kandahar, sebagai satu berita palsu. Dia menyebut betapa media tempatan dan antarabangsa hanya menyebut satu gambaran sahaja, sedangkan kebenarannya mendedahkan bencana besar yang menimpa askar Amerika di bumi Afghanisgtan. Dalam beberapa operasi terbaru, tentera Taliban telah membunuh 93 orang askar Amerika di sekitar Takhta Pul. Lagipun sebuah helikopter telah musnah dalam pertempuran itu. Menteri itu menyebut akan kesihatan Mulla Akhtar Uthmani dan Komander Tentera Udara Taliban, Akhtar Mansoor. Mengikut beliau Taliban masih menguasai Spin Boldak dan berita pengunduran komander Taliban dari situ adalah satu kepalsuan.

Dalbandin dan Jacobabad Berbau Hamis Kerana Mayat Yang Mereput.

Jacbabad (KPI): Disebabkan kekurangan kimia pengawet mayat di Jacobabad dan Dalbandin, yang diperlukan untuk mengawet mayat askar AS dan Britain, udara persekitaran pangkalan udara ini sungguh tercemar dan berbau hamis kerana mayat manusia yang semakin mereput. Mengikut laporan terbaru daripada pejabat Swat, pihak British dan Amerika tidak senang hati dengan keadaan itu kerana mereka tidak bersedia menghantar mayat tersebut ke destinasi akhir di negara mereka untuk mengelakkan moral yang merudum. Kerana itu mereka mencuba sedaya upaya mengawet setiap mayat, tetapi usaha itu tidak akan berjaya. Ada laporan mengatakan beberapa peti mayat (keranda) sudahpun dikirimkan ke kawasan itu. Sementara itu Amerika memang berusaha menyorok jumlah kematian sebenarnya. Di sebalik itu pula keluarga askar yang mati itu masih tidak mengetahuinya dan sibuk dengan persiapan menyambut Krismas di kampung halaman mereka.

Jihad Akan Diteruskan Walaupun Osama Mati Syahid - Al Qaeda.

Kuwait (Al-Watan): Al Qaeda telah menyebutnya sekali lagi dengan tegasnya betapa perjuangan Jihad mereka akan diteruskan tanpa henti, walaupun Osama bin Laden mati syahid. Seorang lagi jelmaan Osama Laden akan muncul untuk meneruskan perjuangan itu setiap kali pemimpin mereka mati syahid. Sulaiman Abu Gaith, jurucakap Al-Qaida, berkata demikian dalam temubual dengan akhbar Kuwait, Al-Watan, sambil mengutuk kerajaan Kuwait kerana memansuhkan kerakyatannya. Dia terus menyerlahkan keazaman untuk meneruskan perjuangan jihad untuk menegakkan ajaran Islam. Sebelum itu, Al-Qabbas News (Kuwait) telah mengeluarkan berita bahawa Sulaiman Abu Ghaith telah mendapat kecederaan dan mati diserang Amerika, tetapi Al-Watan News (Kuwait) sudahpun memperakukan kesihatan beliau daripada punca sahih Taliban.

Terjemahan: SPAR


06 December 2001 :

Taliban Kill 93 US Commandos and Capture Six

"Severe damage has been done to the Americans but the media keeps it in the dark," says Taliban Interior Minister

QUETTA (Islam News): The Interior Minister of Afghanistan says that it is absolutely ridiculous and baseless that the Americans, resting in a desert, 220 miles away from Kandahar claim to have captured the city of Kandahar. Similarly, the Pashtun claim to have captured Kadahar is based on false reports. He further said that the local and the international media reveal only one side of the picture, but the truth is that heavy damage has been done to the Americans in Afghanistan. In recent operations, Taliban troops killed 93 Americans and captured six. Dozens of soldiers were killed in and around Takhta Pul. Furthermore, an Amercian helicopter was also destroyed in this battle, but the media continues to keep such news in the dark. The Minister informed about World about the wellbeing of the Kandahar Taliban Corps Commander, Mulla Akhtar Uthmani and Taliban Air Force Commander, Akhtar Mansoor. According to him, the Taliban have total control over Spin Boldak and the news about the retreat of the (local) Taliban commander in Spin Boldak is incorrect.

Dalbandin and Jacobabad Stink Due to the Smell of Rotting American and British Troops

JACOBABAD (KPI): There has been a marked shortage of chemicals in Jacobabad and Dalbandin, which serve to preserve the dead bodies of the American and British soldiers reaching these two cities. As a result of this, the atmosphere around the airbases in these towns is giving off a foul stench due to the rotting of these corpses. According to the latest news from the information office at Swat, the British and Americans are very much disturbed because they do not want to send these bodies to their countries, thus creating panic and uncertainty in their people. Therefore they are trying all possible means to preserve these bodies, but obviously all these means will prove to be shortlived. It has also been reported that numerous coffins have been sent to these areas. On the one hand, the Americans are making every possible effort not to disclose the deaths of their soldiers in Afghanistan, while on the other hand their families are busy preparing for the celebrations of Christmas back home.

"Jihad Will Continue Even if Usama is Martyred" Al-Qaeda

KUWAIT (Al-Watan): Al-Qaeda has once again expressed its firm determination that the Jihad will not come to a stop, not even if Usama Bin Laden is martyred. Another Usama will appear to impart the teachings of Jihad and the rebirth of Usama will continue each time the former Usama is martyred. Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, Al-Qaeda spokesman, said in an interview to Kuwaiti newspaper, Al-Watan, that he condemned the Government of Kuwait for the cancellation of his citizenship. He further expressed his firm determination for striving for the noble cause of Jihad in future, for the sake of Allah and Islam. Earlier, Al-Qabaas News (Kuwait) issued a news report about Sulaiman Abu Ghaith being injured or martyred by the American attacks, but Al-Watan News (Kuwait) confirmed his wellbeing from the Taliban.