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TAG SP 390: Gadaffi Dakwa Majlis Keselamatan PBB Pertub. Keganasan Terbesar Dunia
By Africaonline

28/10/2001 10:38 pm Sun

[Kalau kita tonton program CNN kita akan lihat satu laporan ringkas di bahagian bawah TV yang menyebut 'Gadaffi said the US had the right to strike back for last month's terror attacks.' Laporan singkat itu memberi gambaran betapa Ghadaffi menyokong Amerika menghentam Afghanistan. Yang betulnya dia tidak sebut begitu. Bacalah selanjutnya: - Penterjemah]

Gadaffi Dakwa Majlis Keselamatan PBB sebagai pertubuhan keganasan terbesar dunia

(Libyan leader brands Security Council world's biggest terrorist organisation)

'Muammar Ghadaffi telah mengcop Majlis Keselamatan PBB sebagai pertubuhan keganasan terbesar di dunia kerana membenarkan Amerika Syarikat menguasai pertubuhan itu. Beliau berkata: setiap kali Majlis Keselamatan itu bersidang ia menekan semua orang kerana ia dikuasai oleh Amerika. Ia bukan menjadi satu 'Security Council' tetapi 'Terror Council' (majlis keganasan.)

Majlis itu yang mempunyai lima ahli anggota tetap yang mempunyai kuasa veto termasuk Amerika Syarikat pernah mengenakan sekatan ekonomi ke atas Libya pada 1992 untuk menekan Tripoli agar menyerahkan dua orang yang disyaki terlibat dengan pengeboman pesawat terbang yang terhempas di Lockerbee. Salah seorang yang dituduh kini menjalani hukuman penjara seumur hidup. (Kini sudah ada kisah yan dibukukan bagaimana letupan itu dirancang oleh satu kumpulan CIA di Eropah yang menguasai pasaran edaran dadah.)

Ghadaffi berpendapat AS mempunyai hak untuk menyerang-balas kerana serangan ganas bulan lalu, tetapi seharusnya mengebom London dan bukannya Kabul, kerana beliau berpendapat London adalah pusat pengganas.

Ghadaffi berpendapat tuduhan utama, Osama bin Laden, tidak boleh dikutuk dengan tuduhan merencana pengeboman di New York dan Washington kerana setakat ini dia tidak pernah mengaku terlibat dengan serangan itu.

Sepanjang wawancara itu di Mesir, pemimpin Libya itu telah mengelak soalan sama ada dia menganggap Osama laden dan kumpulan Al-Qaeda sebagai 'pengganas'.

Terjemahan oleh SPAR


Libyan leader says Security Council is biggest terrorist organisation.

by Channel Africa CAIRO, 24 Oct. 2001

Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi has branded the United Nations Security Council the world's biggest terrorist organisation because of what he calls United States control over the body.

Kadhafi says when the Security Council meets, it terrorises all people because it is under the control of the U.S.

He says it is not a Security Council but a terror council. The 15-member Security Council, whose five permanent members -- including the U.S -- can each veto resolutions, imposed sanctions on Libya in 1992 to pressure Tripoli to hand over two suspects in the bombing of a Pan Am Boeing over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.

Kadhafi said the U.S. had the right to strike back for last month's terror attacks, but should bomb London and not Kabul. Kadhafi branded London the capital of terrorists. The Libyan leader added that the number-one suspect, Osama bin Laden, cannot be condemned for the hijacked plane attacks on New York and Washington because he has not so far admitted that he carried out this act.

During an interview in Egypt the Libyan leader avoided questioning on whether or not he considered bin Laden and his al-Qaeda network to be terrorists.

In Washington, the United Nations announced that American air strikes in Afghanistan on Monday this week destroyed a military hospital on the outskirts of the western town of Herat. A Pentagon official acknowledged that a bomb may have gone astray and hit the wrong target at Herat.

The U.N. also said American air attacks were hitting civilian zones of the Afghan capital of Kabul because the Taliban were sending troops there.

In other news on the Afghan campaign, American jets pounded front-line positions north of Kabul for the third consecutive day, but the Taliban countered with a rocket attack that killed two civilians and wounded 17 in a crowded bazaar in opposition-held Charikar. Nine camps identified in Afghanistan as being part of Osama bin Laden's terrorist network have also been put out of action.

(Channel Africa)