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TAG SP 372: Insider - Sharon, Raja Pengganas Israel
By Edna Yaghi

20/10/2001 3:41 am Sat

Sharon, Raja Pengganas Israel

(Sharon, Master Terrorist)

Oleh: Edna Yaghi

Setiap kali orang Palestin disembelih, kita tidakpun mendengar suara Presiden AS George Bush, bercakap mengutuk amalan ganas perdana menteri Israel Ariel Sharon.

Hari ini, beberapa orang Palestin telah dibunuh, termasuk Riham seorang anak gadis yang baru berusia 10 tahun. Riham mati ketika askar Israel menembak sebuah sekolah di daerah Al-Amaniya di Jenin. Tujuh lagi anak gadis turut tercedera dengan teruknya dalam pengeboman itu. Riham dan kawan sekolahnya bukannya anggota pasukan tentera. Mereka tidak memegang sebarang senjata. Mereka cuma anak-anak yang pergi sekolah. Setiap kanak- kanak berhak belajar di sekolah dan bukannya dijadikan sasaran untuk berperang.

Pada sebelah petang tadi, 3 orang Palestin daripada Fateh, telah mati terbunuh ketika mereka dalam perjalanan menziarahi seorang kawan. Kereta yang mereka pandu telah meletup hasil sasaran pembunuhan Israel.

Sharon, Raja Pengganas Israel, tidak menghormati nyawa rakyat Palestin; sama ada bayi, kanak-kanak ataupun orang dewasa. Kebangkitan Intifada Al-Aqsa telah memberi peluang kepada Sharon satu alasan untuk mengepung bandar Palestin, kampung dan kawasan ladang.

Selama satu tahun lamanya, kelengkapan perang Israel, pesawat pejuang F-16, helikopter Apache, kereta-kebal, 'jeep' yang lengkap bersenjata dan jentolak telah digunakan untuk memerangi satu kumpulan manusia Palestin yang tidak bermaya. Lebih 700 rakyat Palestin telah terkorban dan 20,000 lagi yang tercedera (selama satu tahun ini - penterjemah). Oleh kerana ramai yang tercedera adalah kanak-kanak, mereka terpaksa meneruskan hidup dengan segala parut dan kesan luka dan kecacatan anggota disebabkan sikap Sharon yang memerangi mereka.

Kawasan perumahan telah diratakan, perladangan telah dimusnahkan, pokok zaitun dan bebuahan telah dicabut, bekalan air dipotong ataupun diracuni, bekalan elektrik dipotong, perniangaan disabotaj, sekolah dibom, anak-anak sekolah dibunuh dan dicederakan, kawasan awam dibom, dan belia diculik untuk dizalami dan dipenjarakan. Memang tidak ada sebab kenapa kumpulan manusia yang berani ini mesti layan dengan ganas sekali. Tidak ada sesiapa di dunia luar yang berani bersuara lantang mengutuk amalan ganas dan perbuatan gila si algojo ini yang memang taksub mahu menghapuskan rakyat Palestin dari muka bumi ini.

Dunia semakin membisu terhadap keganasan yang dilakukan terhadap orang Palestin yang kini terpaksa hidup merempat di kem pelarian yang mudah dikepung oleh Israel. Setiap tindakan harian Israel ditumpukan kepada cara menghina, membunuh, melumpuhkan atau menyiksa rakyat Palestian kerana inilah orang Palestin yang masih bertahan di tanah tumpah darah mereka sedangkan Israel mahukan tanah itu. Selama 52 tahun, orang Palestin telah menjadi mangsa kepada serangan ganas Israel, usaha penaklukan mereka dan juga segala tipu daya.

Masyarakat Palestin tidak mempunyai pesawat terbang, kapal perang, kereta kebal ataupun helikopter yang boleh mereka gunakan. Mereka tidak pernah diberikan bantuan sebanyak $5 billion dollar oleh kerajaan Amerika seperti yang dinikmati oleh Israel, dan mereka juga tidak dilengkapkan dengan senjata tercanggih oleh Amerika. Kalau adapun senjata yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat Palestin untuk menentang keganasan Israel ialah ketulan batu yang digunakan atas nama mempertahankan hak kebebasan mereka.

Rakyat Palestin dikelilingi oleh musuh yang mahu menghalau mereka keluar daripada bumi Palestin atau menghapuskan mereka sama-sekali daripada bumi ini. Disebabkan mereka telah terlalu terdesak dan kecewa, orang Palestin telah menembak menteri kabinet Israel Rahavam Zeve sebagai membalas dendam kerana kematian Setiausaha Agung Fateh, Abu Ali Mustafa, dan pembunuhan ini telah dikutuk oleh Amerika. Tetapi apabila Abu Mustafa Ali dibunuh dengan kejamnya, tidak pula ada suara yang mengutuk kerja jijik yang kerap diamalkan terhadap rakyat Palestin. Bagaimana pula dengan nyawa Riham anak kecil yang bersekolah dulu? Apakah dosanya? Kenapakah dia ditembak mati?

Adalah amat sukar untuk satu masyarakat yang kerap dihina, diaibkan dan disika dan dilayan dengan buruknya tidak bertindak balas. Namun, inilah yang amat diingini oleh Sharon. Dia mahu menghenyak orang Palestin di satu penjuru, mendesak mereka melawan balik supaya dia mempunyai alasan untuk membunuh lebih ramai bayi, kanak-kanak sekolah dan orang awam yang tidak berdosa.

'Kita akan teruskan peperangan sehingga akhir terhadap pengganas, mereka yang membantu dan yang menaja mereka.' Demikian jerit Sharon ketika dia menuduh pentadbiran Palestin sebagai melindungi 'pembunuh'.

Tetapi, Sharon ialah Raja Pengganas. Dia seharusnya melancarkan peperangan memusuhi dirinya. Dialah musuh besar Israel kerana tangannya yang bertanggungjawab membunuh 20,000 orang Lebanon dan Palestin ketika menjadi pemerintah askar Israel memerangi Lubnan pada 1982.

Tetapi dia mesti sedar, selagi dia mengugut nyawa Palestin dan selagi dia inginkan darah orang Palestin, satu hari nanti dia sendiri akan kecundang juga.

Selagi puak Imerialis dan Zionis menyokong dasar keganasan negara Israel yang suka berperang itu, tidak akan ada kedamaiannya. Orang Palestin berhak kepada negaranya sendiri untuk hidup dengan penuh kebebasan untuk mengejar kebahagiaan. Tibalah masanya untuk dihentikan sikap pembasmian kaum ini. Tibalah masanya dunia sejagat menangani keganasan di tempat ia benar-benar wujud.

Terjemahan: SPAR



Friday, October 19 2001 @ 04:03 AM GMT

Sharon, Master Terrorist

By: Edna Yaghi

The world is ever silent to the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people who are forced to live in the ghettoes and concentration camps into which the Israelis have cornered them.

Whenever Palestinians are slaughtered, we do not hear US President George W. Bush speak out in anger against the bloodthirsty practices of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Today, several Palestinians were murdered, including Riham, a little schoolgirl only 10 years old. Riham died when Israeli soldiers shelled a school in the Al-Almaniya district in Jenin. Seven other girls were also seriously injured in the shelling. Riham and her schoolmates were not soldiers. They had no weapons.They were children attending school. Every child has the right to attend school and to not be a target of war.

Later on today, 3 Palestinian men from Fateh, were killed while on their way to give condolences to a friend. The car they were riding in exploded. They were the target of Israeli assassinators.

Sharon, the master terrorist, does not value the lives of Palestinian infants, children, or the civilian inhabitants of the remnants of Palestine. Intifada Al-Aqsa has provided Sharon with an excuse to lay siege to every Palestinian town, village and farmland as well as the indigenous inhabitants of the land.

For more than a year, Israeli gunboats, F-16 fighter jets, Apache helicopters, tanks, armored jeeps and bulldozers have been launching an all out war against a basically unarmed people. More than 700 Palestinians have died and another 20,000 have been injured. Many of these injured are children and many of these children will have to live the rest of their lives bearing permanent scars and impairments as a result of Sharon?s war against them.

Homes have been bulldozed, farmland destroyed, olive and fruit trees uprooted, water supplies shut off or poisoned, electricity cut off, businesses have been sabotaged, schools shelled, school children critically hurt or killed, civilian areas bombed, and youths abducted, tortured and incarcerated. There is no justification whatsoever for these noble brave people to be so cruelly and barbarically treated. No one outside of Palestine stands up to the world and denounces the savage practices of a mad butcher who is intent on carrying out the genocide of the Palestinian people.

The world is ever silent to the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people who are forced to live in the ghettoes and concentration camps into which the Israelis have cornered them. Every Israeli endeavor, every day concentrates on how to humiliate, murder, maim and torture the Palestinian people simply because they are Palestinians living on their own land and because the Israelis want to take away what is left of Palestine. For 52 years, the Palestinian people have been the victims of Israeli aggression, occupation and lies.

Palestinians do not have warplanes, gunboats, tanks or helicopters that they use to attack their aggressors with. They are not given more than $5 billion dollars by the American government like the Israelis, nor are they armed with the latest and most sophisticated of American weapons. The only weapon most Palestinians have against the tyranny they are under is a stone thrown in the name of freedom.

The Palestinian people are surrounded by enemies who want to either drive them out of Palestine or to wipe them off the face of the earth. When in bitter frustration and despair Palestinians shot Israeli Cabinet Minister Rahavam Zeeve in retaliation for the extra judicial murder of Fateh Secretary-General Abu Ali Mustafa, the killing was immediately condemned by America. But when Abu Mustafa was murdered, no voice spoke out against the injustice and cruelty that is constantly practiced against the Palestinian people. And what about the life of little Riham? What sin was she guilty of? Why did she have to die?

It is impossible for a people to be so abused, so tortured, so horribly mistreated and then expect them not to react. However, this is just exactly what Sharon wants. He wants to push the Palestinians into a corner, force them to fight back so he will have an excuse to kill more infants, more school children, more innocent civilians.

"We will carry out a war to the bitter end against the terrorists, those who help them and those who dispatch them," Sharon declared as he accused the Palestine Authority of harboring "murderers."

But the Master Terrorist is Sharon. He should wage a war against himself. He is the worst enemy of Israel and he already has the blood of 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinians on his hands when he commanded the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982.

But he should beware, for as long as he threatens the lives of Palestinian officials and as long as he insists on killing more and more Palestinians, he just might one day be cut down himself.

As long as Imperialists and Zionists support the terrorist policies of the war state of Israel, there will never be peace. Palestinians are entitled to a state of their own and they have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is time this ethnic cleansing stopped. It is time the world deals with terrorism where it really exists.