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TAG SP 325: Anova : Thatcher Boleh Pergi Jahanam!
By Ananova

6/10/2001 12:38 pm Sat

Thatcher Boleh Pergi Jahanam!

(Go To Hell With Thatcher!)

Baroness Thatcher telah mengutuk pemimpin beragama Islam di Britain kerana sikap mereka terhadap serangan ngeri di Amerika.

Bekas Perdana Meneri Konservatif itu telah memberitahu 'The Times' pemimpin Islam tidak bersuara lantang mengutuk keganasan September 11.

Tony Blair dan barisan menteri Britain telah mengusahakan tindakan menenangkan masyarakat Islam bahawa sebarang tindakan tidak bertujuan menekan Islam tetapi terhadap para pengganas yang bertanggungjawab dengan serangan di Amerika.

'Orang yang memusnahkan menara kembar itu adalah beragama Islam dan masyarakat Islam mestilah bangkit untuk mengutuk bahawa perbuatan ganas itu bukan mengikut ajaran Islam,' kata Tahatcher kepada akhbar tersebut.

'Para penumpang dalam pesawat itu telah diberitahu mereka akan mati dan terdapat beberapa kanak-kanak ketika itu. Ketua masyarakat Islam mesti menyebut betapa perbuatan pengganas itu adalah mengaibkan.

'Saya tidak mendengar kutukan yang mencukupi daripada ulama Islam.'

Ibupejabat Parti Konservatif enggan mengulas kenyataan Thatcher.

Para pemimpin masyarakat Islam merasa sedih dengan kenyataan Thatcher dan berkata bahawa mereka sudahpun mengutuk dengan secara spontan tanpa berbelah bagi terhadap serangan keganasan itu.

Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, seorang pemimpin ahli Parlimen beragama Islam, telah berkata: "Saya merasa sedih dan terkejut apabila dia berkata semacam itu. Apabila ia muncul daripada mulut Baroness Thatcher ia menjadi lebih menyakitkan."

'Dunia harus sedar betapa daripada sejumlah 6,000 manusia yang terkorban dalam kejadian ngeri itu, lebih 1,500 nyawa adalah beragama Islam. Masyarakat Islam telah menanggung penderitaan sebanyak dua kali - satu ketika seseorang yang rapat dengan mereka terkorban nyawanya, yang kedua apabila ada mulut celupar seperti ini.'


Terjemahan: SPAR


Ananova :

Thatcher condemns Muslim leaders' response to terror attacks

Baroness Thatcher has criticised Muslim leaders in Britain over their response to the terror attacks in America.

The Conservative former prime minister told The Times that Muslim leaders had not spoken out strongly enough about the September 11 atrocities.

Tony Blair and other British ministers have gone out of their way to reassure Muslims that any action would not be directed at Islam but at the terrorists responsible for the attacks in America.

"The people who brought down those towers were Muslims and Muslims must stand up and say that is not the way of Islam," Lady Thatcher told the paper.

"Passengers on those planes were told that they were going to die and there were children on board. They must say that is disgraceful.

"I have not heard enough condemnation from Muslim priests."

Conservative Central Office has refused to comment on Lady Thatcher's remarks.

Muslim leaders expressed their sadness at the comments and said they had immediately and unequivocally condemned the terrorist attacks.

Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, leader of the Muslim Parliament, said: "I am very sad and surprised that she has said this sort of thing. Coming from a person like Baroness Thatcher it is very hurtful.

"People need to know that out of over 6,000 people who died in this terrible incident, over 1,500 of them were Muslims. The Muslim community has had to suffer twice - once when someone dear to them died, the second time when people say things like this."

Story filed: 23:31 Wednesday 3rd October 2001