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WTC: Mahathir Rupa-rupanya Takut Mati?
By Man Kubur

13/9/2001 12:35 am Thu


Apabila Mahathir membatalkan lawatannya ke Eropah akibat tragedi di A.S. nampak jelas wira dunia ketiga ini rupa-rupanya takut mati. Mahathir sudah terjebak akibat mulut celuparnya menuduh bukan-bukan kepada Islam dan Osama Bin Laden dalam isu KMM. Tuduhan sebegini jugalah yang menjadi tabiat Amerika yang kini menerimalah padahnya. Bulan lepas Dollah Badawi mengatakan Malaysia adalah pusat kegiatan pengganas. Bukankah ini kenyataan dungu yang akan merbahayakan negara jika A.S. bertindakbalas?


Sekarang barulah sedar betapa hapraknya membina bangunan yang tinggi-tinggi. Lihatlah bagaimana manusia terjun 'bunuh diri' dari WTC kerana sudah tidak sanggup menderita dibaham runtuhan konkrit dan disambar bebola api. Kita petik beberapa lapuran laman web terkemuka dunia mengenai tragedi ini:-

"People were jumping out of windows," said an unidentified crying woman, "I guess people were trying to save themselves. Oh my God!" - AN EYEWITNESS (Bangkok Post)

A witness said he saw bodies falling and people jumping out.

John Axisa, who was getting off a commuter train to the World Trade Center, said he saw ''bodies falling out'' of the building. He said he ran outside, and watched people jump out of the first building. Then there was a second explosion, and he felt heat on the back of neck.

WCBS-TV, citing an FBI agent, said five or six people jumped out of the windows. Witnesses on the street screamed every time another person leaped.

At the World Trade Center, ''everyone was screaming, crying, running, cops, people, firefighters, everyone,'' said Mike Smith, a fire marshal. ''It's like a war zone.'' (-AP)

"I saw them jumping from windows," Josefina Mendez, a guard at WTC said.

Tony Purcell, a trader who worked at the Commodity Exchange, also saw people falling out of the building.

"I saw six people fall to their deaths," Mr. Purcell said.

As television broadcast the unfolding catastrophe, the world watched New Yorkers struggle to deal with panic. Financial markets were closed. Phone service was saturated and largely paralyzed. All passenger flights were grounded throughout the United States. (IHT)

Cell phones generally did not work in the area, so people lined up to make calls from public booths.

In Greenwich Village, crowds stood in front of stores, many of which had placed radios in their doorways so the people could follow news reports. The mood was reminiscent of the reaction of New Yorkers when President John F. Kennedy was shot on Nov. 22, 1963.

Subway service was suspended, so most people trying to leave the scene simply walked through Greenwich Village, some stopping in bars or just watching with the crowds (IHT)

Apa yang menarik, Menara Petronas menganjurkan latihan kecemasan olok-olok mengosongkan bangunan hari ini... Sepatutnya pemimpin negara ini sudah lama mengambil iktibar dari tragedi Highland Towers. Malah sebelum ini bangunan WTC itu pernah dilanggar oleh pesawat tentera Amerika sendiri kerana tidak nampak akibat kabus. Sebentar tadi satu panggilan bom menyebabkan semua mengosongkan bangunan tertinggi dunia itu. Tercungap-cungapklah kakitangan Petronas turun tangga yang berpuloh-puloh tingkat itu. Nasib baik tidak ada yang mati walaupun rasa marah membuak-buak di dalam hati.... Apa perlunya Petronas membina bangunan sebegitu tinggi kerana terlalu sukar untuk menyelamatkan diri. 18 minit (di WTC) tidak cukup untuk turun lari dari puncak kalau tidak cukup kekuatan stamina.


Ramai pemerhati menyifatkan serangan kali ini telah dirancang dengan teliti dan mereka yang memandu kapalterbang itu memang pakar. Ini adalah kerana mereka mampu menyasarkan kedua-dua menara WTC dengan begitu tepat sehingga para penyelamat juga terperangkap dan bertempiaran lari. Manakala pesawat yang menuju ke Pentagon pula mematikan 'transponder'nya agar ia tidak dapat dikenali. (Transponder adalah alat yang memberitahu pusat kawalan identiti kapalterbang)

Sebaik sahaja kedua-dua bangunan itu terbakar sistem komunikasi selular A.S. terputus dan penerbangan dalam negeri dihentikan. Sekaligus ini menyebabkan huru-hara kerana ramai terkepung tidak dapat keluar. Rakyat Amerika terpaksa bergantung kepada radio kecil untuk mengikuti perkembangan semasa kerana internet sudah sesak manakala talian talifon banyak yang terputus.

Kita meramalkan ramai rakyat Amerika akan memarahi presiden Bush juga akhirnya kerana campurtangan dan menyibuk di negara yang tidak sepatutnya.

Bush sebenarnya tidak mampu menjaga keselamatan rakyat Amerika walaupun sudah diberi amaran beberapa kali. Amerika mahu menjadi polis dunia tetapi tidak mampu menjamin keselamatan rakyatnya sendiri. Pesawat kedua yang menggodam WTC itu tiba 18 minit kemudian tetapi apa yang telah pakar tentera Bush lakukan? Mereka seperti tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa dan hanya mampu memandang!!


Memang simbolik serangan yang dilakukan itu kerana WTC di New York adalah merupakan pusat dagangan dan kewangan A.S manakala Pentagon adalah pusat strategik ketenteraan dan kerajaan. Jangan lupa baru-baru ini Amerika dan Israel memulaukan sidang anti perkauman dunia. Tragedi ini telah menjawab beberapa keangkuhan Amerika. Kita tertunggu-tunggu bila pula sesuatu yang mengemparkan akan tiba menjawab keangkuhan Mahathir pula. Hamas menyangkal ia terlibat manakala Osama Bin Laden turut menafikan beliau terbabit. Osama berkata lebih kurang begini:

"Sesuatu yang diserang itu selalunya akan bertindakbalas termasuklah haiwan. Oleh itu jika tidak mahu diserang, jangan menganggu atau membuat kacau di negeri orang"

Apa yang menarik dalam isu ini ialah musuh itu masih belum diketahui sesiapa.... Amerika suka bermain api, mengusik tepi kain orang dan menjolok sarang tebuan - sekarang rasalah percikkannya.... Lain kali jangan bermain di negeri orang dan jangan suka menyalahkan orang kerana sejarah menunjukkan gergasi pun boleh tumbang dan kata-kata itu akan berpatah balik ke belakang. pi_news_id=978331&pi_ctry=my&pi_lang=en

Malaysia's Petronas Towers evacuated after bomb scare

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's twin Petronas Towers, the tallest building in the world, were evacuated on Wednesday after a bomb scare, police said.

The evacuation, initially described as a safety drill, followed a series of terror attacks which killed thousands in the United States and destroyed the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center.

"It's a real check," Police Chief Inspector Azly Zakaria said, adding that police were searching the building.

"We received a phone call from the KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Centre in the twin towers) at 8.30 a.m. and the caller said the bomb would explode at 9."

He said the call had been traced to a public phone booth but that the caller had given no details.

Office occupants calmly abandoned the buildings, the work place for 6,000 people, and a search was still under way late in the morning.

At 1,483 feet (452 metres), the joined Petronas Towers in the capital Kuala Lumpur is the tallest building in the world.,1280,-1164895,00.html

Malaysia Towers Cleared After Threat

Wednesday September 12, 2001 5:10 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - The world's tallest buildings, Kuala Lumpur's Petronas Twin Towers, were evacuated Wednesday morning following a bomb threat.

The threat came during morning working hours, some 12 hours after terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.

Police confirmed that a threat had been phoned in from a public telephone to Petronas' building management about 8:30 a.m. and that the caller said that a bomb would explode at 9 a.m.

Police said that people would be allowed to return to work once the building was declared safe.

Police officials said that no chances were being taken in the wake of the attacks in New York and Washington, where a hijacked jetliner was also crashed into the Pentagon.

Workers and witnesses said that thousands of people in both the 1,483-foot towers were told to leave the buildings. When they reached the ground, they were told there had been a bomb threat.

``We were told on the P.A. system that there was an emergency situation at the towers, so we were asked to evacuate,'' said Tarajit Singh, a finance supervisor for Petronas, the national oil company.

``We had to walk down and leave the building,'' Tarajit said. ``I walked down 58 floors. Only those who were sickly or expecting got to use the elevators.''

About 2,000 people milled around the wide esplanade and park around the building. Police and fire crews were on standby.

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